A Magical Moving Day

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You were once again waiting by the window for Robin and the team, but this time you had your suitcase and backpack filled with most of your belongings. Batman wants you to move to Mount Justice to keep you and your family safe, so that's what you were ready to do.

Your younger sister told you that you couldn't leave because then there would be more boys than girls, but you just told her that she would be the oldest sister in the house and she decided to go color a picture for you to bring to your temporary home. Your younger brother however couldn't stop telling you that he was glad you were leaving for a while, but you could tell he would miss you at night when you always told each other stories before bed. Your oldest sibling had decided that he would visit you somehow and that you would face time each other every night to say hi. You tried to explain to him that you would see him in the halls at school and that you would visit the house every evening, but he still insisted on the calls.

You were kind of nervous to meet Zatanna because she liked Dick and even kissed him on New Year's Day, but also because in all of the fanfictions about Dick x reader, or Dick x anyone really, Zatanna always got super jealous. She had been living with Doctor Fate for the past few months so he could continue her magical studies. After Zatarra put on the helmet, he must have convinced Nabu to help Zatanna out a little. This is why you never saw her when visiting the mountain or when you were stuck there due to injuries, but now you would be meeting her on the day that you moved into the room next to hers. That won't be awkward at all.

Just then Robin and the others showed up and you went over to make sure they were the real team, just like you always did. "Hey, what's your name?" This was always the question because you knew it was one of the few things that Klarion and the Light definitely didn't know.

"I'm Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick" He whispered into your ear and you removed your hand from your necklace to give him a quick kiss. Then you headed to the Zeta-tube, the others happily carrying some of your things, and went to the mountain.

When you arrived, they showed you to where you would be staying and began to help you unpack.

"Wow, you did all of this for me?" It was a decent sized room with a bunk bed just like the one you had at home. Next to the top bunk, there was a shelf with a reading light attached and below the shelf was a desk. You put your clothing away in your dresser and set up a clock and some of your things on top. You already missed your view of the Capitol, especially since you hadn't gone to see it since the dance, but your new room was all you could ask for.

I'm feeling rather nice today and have decided that you all deserve some visuals, however quickly and poorly drawn they may be, so I present, your room:

I'm feeling rather nice today and have decided that you all deserve some visuals, however quickly and poorly drawn they may be, so I present, your room:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Anything for you Y/N" Robin gave you a quick peck on the cheek and you all continued to unpack. After you were done you were kind of tired so the team left you to adapt and you lay down on the soft carpet to clear your head.

Recognized : Doctor Fate-17, Zatanna-B08

You got up after hearing the computer's voice and headed to the entrance. When you headed in, the team and Dinah were already there, so they must have been training. Batman walked over to you and asked for your necklace. You were hesitant, but with Robin right next to you, you took it off and handed it over. You hadn't taken it off since you put it on, even for showers and sleeping, and your neck felt a little bare without it, but you tightened your hold on Robin's hand and felt much safer.

When Doctor Fate was given the necklace, it started to float upwards and glow a bright yellow before falling back into his hands. He then walked over to you. "As long as you wear this necklace, Klarion's magic will have no power over you." He handed you the robin necklace and you took it saying thanks.

"So, you must be the famed Y/N who knows everything." Zatanna had walked up to you after you put on the necklace and glanced at your and Robin's hand holding before looking back up to you. You of course thought Zatanna was really cool and wanted to clear up any issues between the two of you right off the bat, so you motioned for Dick to leave the two of you.

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter because you're Zatanna Zatarra, one of my favorite DC chara- I mean superheroes, one of my favorite superheroes." She looked at you, obviously wondering why Robin chose you over her, before you continued. "I just want to say that I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad. I know it's hard to have to be separated from your family because of reasons that are out of your control." She looked surprised and saddened by this so you then decided to lighten the mood. "yrros, I did ton naem ot ekam uoy das." You spent a few extra seconds before each word to figure out how to say it backwards, but Zatanna just seemed impressed.

"How do you know how to do that?"

"Well, I just thought of each word and what it is backwards. I remember that you use some sort of backwards magic that does the actions of what ever backwards words you say, and I wanted to make sure you weren't sad anymore and also didn't want you feeling jealous of what I have with Robin. I'm sorry if you don't like other people speaking backwards, I just thought that maybe it would give us something in common, I mean, before the New Year, me and my little brother would pretend to be Zatanna and Zatarra, and I would always try complicated spells, and he would take a whole minute just trying to figure out his name and-"

"Y/N! I'm not sad anymore and I'm not jealous." She was holding back a laugh and you hadn't even realized your rambling until she called you out on it. "Thank you for making me happier than I've been in a while, I see why Robin chose you. If I'm so cool, then what do you say to being friends? I mean we're gonna be neighbors anyways and I could totally give your brother a few pointers."

"I would love that!" You began to walk with her on the way to the kitchen where everyone else was getting ready for lunch and talked about various things along the way. You couldn't help but think about how glad you were that in the course of three months, you had already gained six new friends. And as soon as you started hanging out with Rocket and Aqualad more often, the number was sure to grow.

Thank you for reading my twelfth ever chapter! A brand new room. Friends with Zatanna. Your life sure is changing, but I still need those ideas for what is to come next because I don't want this turning into nothing more than a bunch of fluffy one-shots! Fun Fact about Me: Your siblings in this book are actually based on my siblings in real life, and me and my brother actually try to do as many complicated backwards spells as we can sometimes.

If your reading this while it's still ongoing and you still don't understand that I want suggestions for my next chapters, please comment here ->

Anyways, I might not update for a while, but I am a Kit-Kat-a-rang, so I'll always come back.

Until next time, bye!

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