Good Plans, Bad Plans, Happy Plans, Sad Plans

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After you and Zatanna became friends, she decided she would come with you and Robin some evenings when you went to visit your family. She was becoming like a best friend to you and you realized that all of the fanfictions where Zatanna gets super jealous would never happen because Zatanna is too kind for that.

You just got back to the mountain and walked into the kitchen with Robin and Zatanna to find M'gann cooking dinner. "Hey M'gann, where are the others? Do you need any help with that?" We all looked at M'gann who was using her powers to lift three different bowls, one with freshly diced tomatoes, one with steaming rice, and one filled with a mix of shred cheese.

"I'm OK Zatanna, I've learned my lesson and know how to control things now. Aqualad is in the library, he said he said he would help me with a school project and is looking for the right books. Conner is with him because he got the same project. Raquel is still with Icon doing some civilian related stuff. I'm pretty sure Wally went home already because he's supposed to do something before school tomorrow and he totally forgot before Artemis reminded him. Artemis went home too because she was tired of Wally."

It was a lot to take in, but it all made sense. "Well good luck on your projects and lets hope Wally is on time tomorrow. I mean, for a speedster, he is always running late. Bats told me to head home early today so I'm heading out, but I'll come over in the morning." He kissed you on the cheek and then headed for the Zeta-tube.

Recognized: Robin B01

"So Y/N, after we have," The magician glanced over at what M'gann was nearly done making, "what looks like tacos for dinner, do you wanna watch a movie?"

"I'd love to, but I still have a lot of catching up to do after I was out of school for so long and these past two weeks that I've been going to school again have left me swamped." She nodded in understanding and decided to go get the boys for dinner. You set the table and sat down wishing you could be eating with your family in the real world. Of course, you wouldn't want to give up Dick and your friends, but you were tired of hiding from the Light.

"Hello Megan!" You looked up to see M'gann pulling her palm away from her forehead. "I just thought of how we can take down Klarion and the Light!" Wow, she read your mind. Not actually, because that is something she can do, but she obviously knew what she needed to talk about to brighten the mood. "He's obviously been avoiding us because he can sense Doctor Fate's magic on your person, but if he saw you without your necklace, he would definitely go for it."

You immediately tensed, just the thought of being without your protective charm brought you back to the Light's torture and you were pretty sure taking off your necklace again would result in a panic attack.

"No, don't worry, I'm not talking about you, but if someone who looks like you, like a shapeshifting martian, were to go to school looking for a misplaced robin necklace, Klarion wouldn't be able to resist. He would see that I wasn't wearing a necklace and that there was no Doctor Fate magic blocking his spells. That way, he could easily capture me and-"

"No way M'gann. We could not send you in the field purely for your capture."


"Kaldur' is right M'gann. I can't let you just sacrifice yourself for a random civilian." Ouch. You know Conner is just trying to protect M'gann from her large heart, but his small one really hurt for a moment just then.

"I'm gonna go to bed now, feel free to eat without me, I'm not very hungry." You knew they were guilty, especially Conner, but you were in fact pretty tired. You got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke at four in the morning, way before your alarm, and decided to complete the homework you hadn't even touched the previous night. You were about two hours in when there was a knock at your door. "Who is it?"

"It's me" You opened the door and pulled the Boy Wonder in for a quick kiss before walking back to sit down on your lower bunk. He sat down next to you and you both leaned against each other happy for the warmth.

"Is everything OK? It's almost time to go to school and I think we should save this for when we aren't so pressed for time." You looked up at him and saw a tear slip past his glasses and down his cheek. "Dick?"

"Y/N, ever since I saw you, I knew you were special. It wasn't because you knew so much about our superhero world, or because you knew mine and Batman's identities. I was in love with you, Y/N" He looked down at you, more tears spilling down his cheeks. You reached up and pulled down his shades to reveal the beautiful blue eyes glistening with tears.

"I love you too. I also know that we'll always be together and that not even Klarion and the Light will be able to separate us, there's no need to cry." But this only made him cry harder and you brushed the tears from his cheeks only for more to come.

"But what if the Light succeeds and I'm not there to save you, or if they take you and we can't stop them." He was crying because he was scared to loose you and that caused your heart to break.

"Don't worry, you'll always be with me, and the Light wont be able to do anything. We'll come up with a plan and before you know it, they'll all be behind bars."

"What if we already have a plan?" His tears continued to fall but you were now listening even closer to his words. "Yesterday when I went back to the Batcave, Bruce only needed me to monitor the Batcomputer while he did the extremely difficult mission. I decided to check up on you with the cameras and..." He trailed off.

"And what?" You didn't like where this was going.

"What if we did do what M'gann suggested?" You looked at him shocked that he was willing to just give up one of his team mates for the small chance that it would lead them to the Light in the end.

"We can't just sacrifice M'gann to-"

"Not M'gann." What in the world was he talking about? "Me."

"You aren't a shape shifter, and even if you were you can't just leave me, I need you here with me, not off getting captured!" You were slightly yelling now and standing in front of the tear stained boy, but you didn't care, he was acting crazy!

"I'm sorry Y/N, but if I don't do this, there's no telling how the Light will attack next. I'm doing this whether you like it or not. I'm sorry, I'm just sorry." He was still crying and now you were too. He pressed something on his glove and he soon looked just like you. "This is technology that not even Lex Luthor can detect. I'm going to do this. I'm just, I'm sorry." He then turned back to robin, cleaned off his tears, and handed you a screen. "This way you'll know if it works. Good bye Y/N" He then left and you could tell he locked the door.

"Is Y/N coming?" You heard M'gann's muffled voice through the door.

"She was asleep, but seemed pretty sick. I woke her to tell her that if she needed anything she could call for Zatanna or Kaldur' and she fell back to sleep after that." Why did he have to be trained by Batman to be such a convincing liar!

"No! Don't let him do it! Don't let him!" All your life you wished you had walls that wouldn't let anyone hear you, but the soundproof walls were your enemy at the moment. "Please! Anyone! Don't let him leave me!" You collapsed in front of your floor in tears when you heard them leaving. Why was he so stupid sometimes.

Thank you for reading my thirteenth ever chapter! Please don't be mad about the super sad chapter. My BFF is moving to Peru this summer :( WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ROBIN! You all missed your chance and I don't need anymore ideas, but possible fun facts and corny jokes are always welcomed. Fun Fact about Me: My last fun fact was true, except I also have a twin sister who just joined Wattpad today! Check out Pure-Wonderment! She does all sorts of one-shots relating to Marvel, DC, and MLB superheroes. (As of now (5/30/2021) she hasn't written anything yet)

Anyways, I might not update for a while, but I am a Kit-Kat-a-rang, so I'll always come back.

Until next time, bye!

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