What Now?

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You had wonderful dreams of spending all of your time with Dick and the team of friends you had made since the new year had begun. But then all of the light faded away and you saw Dick's face staring at you with extreme hatred before it morphed into the terrifying face of Klarion. You were then swallowed by a monstrous Teekl before you appeared in the same room with the white light above your chained up arms. Then Vandal Savage came closer and closer until he was only an inch away. "This is all your fault!" He stepped away and threw knives at Robin until the body of your boyfriend was just that, a body slumped on the floor. "You could have saved him but you ran!" Vandal shouted again and you appeared back on the Capitol grounds where Dick was fighting Klarion. You tried to look back, to turn back, but you were forced to run away and cry the whole time. Then you got to a fork in the road and on one side you saw the Light, but in the other direction, the team was waiting for you.

You ran for the team trying to put as much distance between the Light and yourself, but when you got close enough, you saw the team turning around to leave without you. "Wait! Don't leave me!" You shouted and ran after them, but only Robin stopped. You ran up behind him, but he didn't turn around. "Robin?" He then turned around but showed do emotions. "Robin what's wrong?" He looked down at you and began to pull off his mask, but when he did there were no eyes to greet you and you screamed. You woke up. It was a dream. No, not a dream: a nightmare. You sat on your bed and cried for a few minutes before quickly texting Robin a good morning and starting your day.

It was a long wait before you were allowed to leave the mountain again, but after a lot of whining and protesting you were moved to continue healing at your house. You looked up at your calender which was left untouched after Valentine's day, but March was halfway done which meant you were only stuck at Mount Justice for a month.

Now that you were home, there were a few modifications to your daily routine. Every day you would change your bandages with the help of your mom instead of Dinah. Then you would make your way slowly down the stairs and eat because you were finally able to walk again. After eating you would head up to your desk and work on any schoolwork you needed to catch up on. Dick still visited you every day to bring you homework and keep you company, but now your 'dates' were cut short whenever your siblings got home. He stayed for dinner some nights and you occasionally left the house to do something else, but it was always with Robin, the whole team, and at least one JLA member, so you learned to prefer the home life.

Dick and M'gann also filled you in on everything that happened while you were gone, starting from when you ran from the Capitol. Dick started by telling you all that happened and M'gann helped to share his visuals with your mind.

I told you to run and before Klarion could head after you, I leapt for the cat. He then transformed Teekl into the monster version and I went on the defense. Eventually I ran out of batarangs and my utility belt was bare. He made chains magically appear around me but then pulled out a real rope and proceeded to tie up my wrists, ankles, knees, elbows, and even taped my mouth shut. I could have easily gotten out of the ropes with the emergency blade hidden in my boot, but Klarion was reaching to grab my glasses so all I could do was roll away from him over and over again until I rolled into a ditch. That's when you guys showed up and he pretended to be me, also creating an illusion of me defeating him. You know the rest, but I tried to shout and cut free before he left with you, but it was no use, the tape and rope had been enchanted.

Then M'gann started to show her point of view

We didn't know about any of what happened until the music paused for just a second, but that was enough for Conner to hear your shouting. He sent Wally in your direction, and we all changed and ran after him. After, we caught up just in time to hear you tell Wally what was wrong, we all left to find Robin and Klarion. After we called Batman and you and, well, Klarion left, we looked to find your phones. Klarion must have gotten too far from Robin to maintain any spells because we could then hear his muffled screams. Superboy looked around and we found him tied up in a ditch, only halfway through the first ropes. We quickly untied him and he told us what happened.

She let Robin take over the visuals again and he continued to speak.

I called Batman with my newly found phone and told him everything. We met up at the mountain and I started up your necklace tracer. I hadn't gotten a chance to test it yet, but a few hours later we found you and and fought off the Light. You had lost a lot of blood, so instead of following them further, we headed back to get you fixed up.

It had been a lot to take in, but after a month of processing you were much better sitting at your house awaiting Robin's next visit. Batman had called up one of the Green Lanterns and they put a stop to the human slaves in space, also bringing back the real Jackson Davis. This eased your mind quite a bit, but only Robin knew about the nightmares you occasionally had about the torture. You looked out the window and saw the familiar face and shades as Dick approached the door and you greeted him.

"Hey, what's your name?" You raised your hand to the robin necklace knowing that if this person answered incorrectly you could press the button on the back and call for help.

"Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick" You sighed and let him in. You shared a kiss before heading out to your back porch where you usually hung out admiring the clouds and the birds.

"Tell me a story." You leaned against him on the bench feeling extra tired from the previous night's nightmares.

"Alright then." He moved slightly into a position he knew would make you more comfortable and began to tell you a story about a robin who met a beautiful nightingale and immediately fell in love. They would spend every summer together at their home, and then they would migrate together every year to spend their winters the same way. But some days, a cat would try to take the nightingale away, but every time he tried the robin would come and protect his love. You didn't hear the end of the story however because you were fast asleep with a smile on your face.

Thank you for reading my ninth ever chapter! I understand this chapter was rather fluffy, and I'm sorry for that but I'm trying to decide how to continue. This chapter is also my shortest one, other than the first chapter, and I would have written more but my killer headache won't be having it. Depending on the lore, Robin's parents' death day varies, but I'm thinking of making the next chapter about April first and some Robin struggle. Again, I have no idea where this story will go now, but I do have an amazing idea for a possible sequel! Fun Fact: My headache is so awful I can't even remember the awesome fun fact I thought of earlier today, but I promise that if I think of it again, I'll put it in a comment :)

Anyways, I might not update for a while, but I am a Kit-Kat-a-rang, so I'll always come back.

Until next time, bye!

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