Just My Luck

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Klarion held you over his shoulder so you were forced to watch Teekl follow you up the stairs and to the roof. You paid no attention to Klarion's whining about how Sportsmaster was always running late and how he and Teekl didn't have time for this. You would have told him you were free next week and that he could come back then, but the magical gag was still keeping you from calling out.

The team was waiting for you at the front of the school, so they would notice your absence pretty quickly, but was that going to happen before or after you were in a helicopter headed who knows where? Maybe if you could reach out to M'gann then she would tell the others and everyone would come to the rescue. If only Batman was wrong for once and you weren't part of the Lights plan to do who knows what.

M'gann?! Can you hear me?! I need help! Klarion is taking me to the roof! M'gann! Klarion has me on the roof! You continued to think this over and over as loudly as you could possibly think. Hopefully she could tell Dick and he would come to the rescue. As if on cue, the door opened up to show Robin, Artemis, Kid Flash, and Superboy all in costume running out onto the roof.

"Aww Mannn. It's the junior justice league here to ruin our fun Teekl. Teekl?" He looked around to see where Miss Martian had flown up onto the roof and held Teekl. "How dare you!" He threw you down and ran over to Miss M, not even paying attention to the way you fell and landed on your arm with a crack. That would leave a mark.

You were left on your side, still magically chained up, to watch the battle. Klarion immediately blasted M'gann with enough force that she fell to the ground and dropped the cat like animal. Superboy ran to her side while Wally ran up to Klarion. Artemis was shooting from a distance, but your eyes were on Robin as he ran over to you.

"Are you OK?" He lifted you up but couldn't get rid of the magical bonds that seemed to tighten every time he tried. Look out! You looked behind him and your eyes went wide with worry when Kid Flash came flying at you and Rob. They both landed in a heap next to where Robin pushed you out of the way. Your arm felt awful, but you knew it would be fine.

Everyone, Klarion is after Y/N, we don't have a chance in this state, so surround her and he should leave for now. Robin's thought echoed through your mind as you realized that he was willing to sacrifice the fight for your protection. They all moved in front of you except for Artemis who used their movement as a distraction to fire a weak explosion arrow at Teekl.

"Noooo!" Klarion began to flicker as he ran to his familiar's side and disappeared into a portal. Just then the bond's vanished and you went to cradle your arm with a small flash of pain going across your face. Robin seemed to notice this and he helped you up careful of your arm.

"He'll be back, but that's a problem for tomorrow. Right now we need to get you to Dinah and take care of your arm." You nodded and the six of you headed for the nearest out of order phone booth.

- Time Skip Because Doctor Time Is Boring -

"Relax I'm fine" Robin had been with you in the medbay and then in the kitchen and now on the sidewalk to your house. "It was a clean break and Dinah said it would heal soon." You looked over at him and he sighed knowing he wasn't being very whelming.

"I'm sorry it's just that you are a civilian and we should have protected you. We knew you and Klarion's plan were related, and we shouldn't have left you unguarded like that." You reached your street and he turned to you. "Do you know what you're going to say?"

You nodded. You always believed that the most honest people have the most believable lies because it's never expected, and you were in that boat. "Hey mom, no I'm fine, I was at the national mall with my friends when another group playing soccer accidentally hit me with the ball. I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings and fell over hard on the sidewalk. My friends mother was there and she's a doctor so she fixed me up with the emergency kit she apparently brings everywhere. Anyways, she said it was a clean break and should be healed soon, and oh, here's her number if you have any questions." You smiled and held out a small note card with Dinah's number on it.

"You know your lying is so good you could probably fool the batman himself" You continued walking and he looked pretty amazed by your lying skill.

"I would never take the chance. Anyways Dinah said she'd tell my mom to keep me home for a few days, so I guess I'll see you Monday?"

"Not happening. You still have to do your homework, or what was the point of landing on your non-dominant side? I'm coming here everyday after school to give you your assignments whether you like it or not." You smiled at his overprotective and caring attitude as you once again stopped in front of your house this time. "And gather up some colored sharpies, tomorrow the whole team is coming."

With that he smiled and left you with a phone number and a plan to lie. You wouldn't have lied to your family in any other situation, but this time it was a question of superhero security and you knew it was warranted.

--- Time Skip Because Lies Are Bad ---

The next day Dick and the team showed up as promised after school and you welcomed them in with one arm in a sling. You offered some snacks and then proceeded to grab the bag of sharpies. Everyone knew where this was going and took turns signing your cast.

Artemis went first, but to keep up appearances, she signed her undercover name, Jennifer Gibson, in green with a brown arrow flying through it. Next Conner wrote Brandon Becker in all caps with a black marker before underlining it twice in red. M'gann wrote Brittany Edwards, hearting the 'i' and swirling every letter she could with a mix of pink and green markers. Then Wally came over and wrote Tommy Thompson, last time he ever picks his own undercover name, in red and drew a yellow lighting bolt through each of the 'O's. Finally Dick came over and wrote in red, yellow, and green markers making the 'M' and 'P' of Max prince look like the same font has the 'R' on his uniform. Secretly when no one was looking but you, he drew a quick heart on either side of the signature and started packing up the markers.

You could feel your cheeks burning as the hearts sunk into your brain and before you realized it the whole team was out the door and Dick was about to leave after them, but then he turned. "I know I kind of only met you yesterday, but the school announced a Valentine's Dance coming up in a month and a half and I wanted to make sure you weren't taken by the time it came around. Do you wanna go with me?"

He immediately found something on the floor very interesting and you went over to hug him as best as you could with one arm. "I would love to" You whispered in his ear and his smile grew so much you were surprised it fit on his face

"OK, we'll discuss this tomorrow, the teams waiting, bye!" and then he was out of the door and you were left there to smile and stare at the faint hearts drawn in red on either side of his false name. The name was false, but you knew the hearts were very much the truth.

Thank you for reading my sixth ever chapter! Robin drew hearts and is taking you to a dance! What in the world is Klarion the witch boy up to? As of now I still have no readers, but if this is still ongoing when you find it, leave a comment and I might just add in some of your ideas. Also comment if you want me to add an image of how I imagined their signatures to this chapter and publish the change ASAP. But what's the difference between popcorn and pea soup?

Anyways, I might not update for a while, but I am a Kit-Kat-a-rang, so I'll always come back.

Until next time, bye!

Here you go BTW

Answer: You can Pop Corn, but you can't Pee Soup! (Yes I know, It's a little immature; well so am I!)

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Answer: You can Pop Corn, but you can't Pee Soup! (Yes I know, It's a little immature; well so am I!)

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