Help Me

536 22 1

The dark. You woke up in the dark. You could feel your arms being held over your head with chains, and your feet were cuffed together, barely touching the ground. Your were still wearing the dress, tights, and shoes from the dance, but your wristlet and phone must have still been at the Capitol grounds where the team was looking. Oh the team. You really hoped they would find you soon.

You don't know how long you stood there, but all of a sudden, a bright white light turned on somewhere above you and your fear quickly increased. You saw Vandal Savage, you saw Sportsmaster and Cheshire, probably sent by Ra's al Ghul, you saw Lex Luthor with his assistant, you saw Queen Bee, you saw Ocean Master, who you always forgot about, and you saw Brain with his ape. Every member of the Light, or one of their representatives, was here except for Klarion. And as if on cue, he and Teekl walked into the room to join the circle of villains.

"Hello Y/N, do you know why you're here?" Vandal Savage was the one directly in front of you, and you stared at him with as much hatred as possible; but it must not have been very much because fear was the only thing Vandal could see, hence the smile. "You're here to give us all of the answers we couldn't get on our own, which isn't much, but we would still like to know."

You kept your mouth shut and then Klarion began to speak. "You know, when we learned that there was an earth full of people who knew almost everything about our world based on story books and television shows, we were ecstatic, or as close as all of these stiffs can get. Not to brag, but I was the one to find someone who had been watching our show at the same time it was going on, do you remember your New Year's?" You gasped, but quickly shut your mouth again and tried to look less worried. "I would have just gone to your world and watched the show myself, but your world is such garbage, you didn't have the magical capacity or the technology for me to get back if I went, so I brought you here instead."

You summoned up all of your courage and asked your question. "What happened to Jackson Davis and Robin?" Klarion then smiled and unnerving smile.

"The school boy is a bit tied up right now, on a spaceship to be sold to aliens. Your little boyfriend however didn't get the travel experience because your stupid friends came back to fast, so truth is, I don't know where he is." You couldn't believe Jackson was forced into alien slavery and you still didn't know what happened to Robin, but your worrying was cut short when Vandal stepped closer.

"On another note, tell us who the batman is and we'll let you live." You inwardly chuckled because of course that was the one thing the Light couldn't figure out on it's own.

"That's none of your business." You were running low on courage, but you managed to get that out and knew it was a mistake.

Sportsmaster then walked over and pulled out some knives and passed them to a few other Light members. He came forward and started to use a professor like voice. "To get maximum results from your torture session, you need to know what you're doing. First you need to choose the right knife, a sharp but slightly dull one that requires you to use more force to make less controlled cuts, and occasionally, a knife dipped in lemon juice covered in salt. But for now we'll start out with just the knife and move to phase two, the cutting." He seemed to be enjoying himself along with a few other Light members. "First let's open up a work area." He then drew the knife down your leg, ripping your tights open and also making a shallow slice down to your ankle.

"Sportsmaster! Sportsmaster! After your demo, can we give it a try?"

"Yes Klarion, torture can be great as a group activity too, but you need to know exactly where to cut to cause the most pain, but make sure none of the cuts will cause too much blood loss, after all the living are not done with her yet." It went on like this for, you didn't know really, but everytime a new cut was made, you screamed and Vandal asked if you were ready to answer. He still hadn't moved from where he originally stood, but at one point he stepped forwards again pulling out a small blade.

"We gave you a chance and you said no. I let them torture you, knowing that was hardly torture, but I have been living since the beginning of time and let me tell you, I have perfected my torture techniques to guarantee 100 percent compliance." He pulled the knife closer to you, but just then the door busted open to see Batman and the team, Robin included.

At that point, Vandal moved behind you and held the knife up to your throat. "Move and she gets it." That's when M'gann added you to the mindlink.

Y/N are you OK? Robin was OK! He was worried about you, but the fact that he was alive and on this planet filled you with confidence.

I'm fine, I didn't tell them anything, the only information they needed was your's and Batman's identities.

What's the plan? We can't let Vandal continue to unchain her and just let them leave! If Wally hadn't said this, you may not have noticed the fact that Vandal was now holding you with the knife to your throat still, but was also carrying you away from the chains, the room, and the team.

Vandal seemed to realize they were planning something mentally, so he sliced the knife against your dress and the blood poured out at a steady pace. You had screamed and so did M'gann because part of the mindlink required the thoughts and feelings to go through her first. Batman began to tell the team the plan through the mindlink, but you couldn't understand what he was saying with all of the noise and the extreme headache you had just developed. The last thing you saw was the team running towards you before you once again blacked out.

Should I end it here? Nah

You slowly opened your eyes to see the bright lights of the med bay. "Ow." Robin had been sleeping in the chair next to your bed and jumped up when he heard the noise. He then turned to see you smiling and quickly did the same.

"I'm glad you're OK, you were take at around ten, but we didn't locate you until about five in the morning. Then you fell unconscious, and that was two days ago." Your face changed to one of worry, but he knew what was wrong. "Don't worry, Bats told your parents about everything, and they came to be with you all of yesterday, but had to work today and left last night."

"How did you find me?" He then looked at the Robin necklace you were still wearing and it all made sense. He had told you a few days prior that he would get you something with a tracer so that he would always be able to find you in case of emergency. At that moment you pulled him close and finally kissed.

It was almost too good to be true, but you knew that the love you shared with Robin was the truest thing you would ever feel.

Thank you for reading my eighth ever chapter! I'm back to my usual length. Poor Jackson. Now you know a bit more about the Light's plans, but what happened both times you were unconscious? And how much more of the Light will you be able to take? I don't know how, but this story's stats say I'm getting more unique readers, so thank you! Fun Fact: Squirrels can survive their terminal velocity, which means they can fall from any distance and survive. The question is how long would they need to fall for before they starve? (Insert maniacal laugh)

Anyways, I might not update for a while, but I am a Kit-Kat-a-rang, so I'll always come back.

Until next time, bye!

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