7 Purple Heart 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Rose and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

My birthmother was very abusive. She would do drugs and drink and open her legs to anyone. It got to the point where there hookers living in our house and she would pin them out. My siblings and I had to endure her emotional and physical abuse for over 14 years and she is still trying to keep contact with us and is harassing us. I have developed ptsd and anxiety/depression because of it.

She would often lock us out of the house from sunrise to sunset with no food or anything so she could film porn on our dining room table. Our neighbors would be the one's providing for us. And people at school looked at us like monsters. She even gave us an STD once.

Earlier this year around January I was at my lowest. When I decided to see what all the hype was about BTS. At this point I was able to take care of myself properly and was just at an all time low but wanted a way out, I was too scared to go to my father and step mother because I didn't want to be considered weak.

Anyway, I first watched Boy with love by them. I wasn't a fan. I decided to check out their personalities and how they are as people. I have learned that personality matters above all else. I thought they all looked the same and were girly. I then decided to continue anyway I don't really know why but I just had a feeling. I read the meaning of their songs and fell in love with B,S&T and went down this rabbit hole.

I learned their names and Namjoon became my first bias. Of course only knowing so little about them that would change to Yoongi, Jimin, then Jungkook, back to Yoongi and as of right now I kinda gave up and all 7 are my bias.

Over time I learned more about myself and realized that it's okay to not know what the future holds and to be scared.

That it's okay to stand up for yourself and know when you look hot. I have found my voice. I still struggle and I think I will for a while. But they have helped me through multiple episodes and I hope to reach my full potential one day with them by my side.

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