Fighting Alone 🇲🇾

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Hi! I'm Airien and I am from Malaysia 🇲🇾 and THIS IS MY STORY.

I am 20 years old and I am an ARMY since their debut. I was always bullied at school from an active student. I was always so quiet because I don't want people to judge me. But then I was bullied by my friends from childhood to high school because of being quiet. And then BTS came, they taught me not to be afraid of myself and do not regret what happened since the day I heard No and No more dream song, I felt I need to stay by myself and make myself feel that I'm not afraid to lose a friend anymore because BTS has taught me its okay to be alone.

BTS also let me heal from my ex.. so I'm very thankful I became an ARMY.

I just think it is sad when you don't have many friend but I'm happy as long as I know BTS is always by my side.

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