Body Switch?!

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We went to the guild and met the guild master, Blake. We also met Alton and a few other dragon slayers. But I'm not really social so I went to go lean against the wall.
I was staring at a girl with pink-purple-ish hair and glasses trying to get someone to try a potion.
Suddenly Laila was pulling a guy toward my direction and introduced us.
His name was Libran and a constellation dragon slayer. We talked until Natsu joined us and then we ALL started talking.
Before the feast Alton gave me, Laila, And Wendy all dresses to go change into.
Mine was a maroon dress that reveled a little more than I would've liked, Wendy's was light blue and much more age appropriate, and Laila's was a mint dress that looked too tight.
"I can't zip up the top Staria." Laila mumbled, trying to get it to zip.
I laughed and went out of the room to get Alton.
"Yo Alton, Laila's bust won't fit the dress!" I yelled as Laila came up behind me and smacked my head but I was cracking up!
Alton gave Laila a new black dress and we all went down to eat.
"Here, try my potion!" the girl I was staring at earlier shoved at everyone and everyone took a large sip, besides Wendy who was in the restoom.

I looked down and panicked. This isn't my body..wait this is Laxus's!

After we figured who was in whose body and the girl disappeared, Wendy came and we explained everything to her. They were all trying to figure out a way to switch back.

I looked over at my body, who had Gajeel in it. He was examining my body and I felt kinda awkward. What a perv...

"I don't know if I can fix it.." Wendy said deep in thought.
"We can't just stay like this!" Natsu yelled. Natsu kept having his little temper tantrum. Apparently he had switched bodies before and didn't want to do it again. "but I don't wanna be in this body!!" He complained, busting my last nerve.
"And who do you think does Natsu?" I said coldly, which quieted him. "You think anyone wants to be in this situation!? How about you stop complaining, because all you're doing is getting in the way of us fixing this mess." I stormed out of the room and went out of the guild. I knew that Laila would be angry with me, no scratch that, Natsu would be angry with me. But he was just so annoying right then and I needed time to cool off.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. This was a huge mess and I just wanted to go home.

I turned around and saw Natsu, who was in Libran's body.
"Listen Natsu, I'm really sorry about that outburst earlier. I don't know what came over me." I said. I knew to never apologize for something I meant to say, but I didn't want to lose him as a friend.
Natsu looked at me and I couldn't tell his expression.
Anger? No.
Pain? No.
He didn't answer me for a while so I just stood there awkwardly.
"It's okay. We still friends?" He asked.
I was shocked by his question. Why would a simple argument destroy a friendship?
"Of course, why wouldn't we be?"
"I'm glad!" He smiled and went back inside while I just stood there.

I finally pin-pointed the expression he had.

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