Shopping Trip

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"Laila!" I finally caught up to her and grabbed her wrist.
"Laila, stop!"
"No I can't go back, Staria! I can't! I'm quitting the guild!" She cried in between sobs.
I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, "please, I can't lose you again.." I didn't realize I was crying too.
"Nobody is going to treat you differently!"
"You sure?" She questioned me.
"Of course!"

We walked back to the guild and was walking through the door when Laila stopped. I grabbed her collar and went up to our team.
"Hey guys!" I smiled.
"Hey! You made it back safely." Natsu said happily.
"You aren't going to treat me any different because of my brother, are you?" Laila asked.
I studied everyone's face.
"Of course not!" Natsu said happily.
Laila was shy and would never make her move so I helped. And by that I pushed her into Natsu.
They hugged for a while. Quite cute actually.
"Hey what did that scientist mean about the whole crushy thing?" Lucy asked Laila.
"Oh nothing!!" Laila asked, blushing crazily.
"What!" Natsu said, obviously annoyed being the only one who didn't know.
"Oh we were just talking about how Laila has a cru-" a hand slapped over my mouth.
"Nothing." Laila said with the demon smile she had.
"Ow.." I complained.
"Well we'll be going now!" Laila said while dragging me out of the guild.

"What were you thinking!?!" She said angrily.
"I was helping." I said laughing.
"I'm so going to get you back!"
"Okay!" I laughed. "I have errands to run so you go ahead!" I smiled.
She ran off waving.
Good. I really need to get her something for her's coming up.
"Hey Staria!" Natsu said, walking over to me.
I jumped.
"Hey!" I replied, getting over my heart attack.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked.
"About to go shopping for Laila's birthday present! Wanna go with me?" I asked.
"Sure! Happy is trying to impress Carla so I'm bored. Maybe I could get her one too!" He smiled.
I pat his head and walk off.

"Oh my gosh, that's so pretty!" I said gasping at a necklace. We decided to look in the jewelry store first.
"Really?" Natsu asked. "Try and beat this!" He said holding up a beautiful arm cuff, which spread up the whole arm, forming a dragon.
"Wow. That's beautiful!" I replied.
"Im'a get it for her!" He replied happily. "Plus it's in price range!"
"Good for you, but I'm having no luck. Let's go check the river market!"
"Kay! Just let me buy this!"

We walked down the river market, when I suddenly found the perfect thing. A beautiful dress the flowed to the floor, that erupted into a dragon blowing flames.
"I'm so getting it!" I said while paying for the dress, and having it wrapped.
"Man I'm starving! Wanna go get some ice cream?" Natsu said just thinking about it.
"Sure!" I replied.

We got our ice cream, us both getting vanilla, and sat down. We chatted about how the dragons. Natus's eyes held so much sorrow. I felt bad, I wanted to help him but I was in the same boat.
"Well I should be getting home soon! By the way, Laila's birthday is tommarrow, so I'm giving her my gift tommarrow." I said as I started to walk away.
Suddenly Natsu grabbed my hand.
"Thanks for the fun day! But I have something to do now!" He said while hurrying down the street.

I got home and laid down in bed.
I was so tired, might as well go to bed. I hid Laila's present under the bed, somewhere she'll never look and fell asleep.

Hey guys! So I tried to make this longer and a little light-hearted as the past few chapters on both mine and Laila_Starborn 's account have been very dramatic. Don't worry, it will get better I promise 😸

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