My Past

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Age: 9 years old
I was sitting at a pond, staring at the fish. It's was a nice day and I was enjoying my self, when I suddenly heard my name being called.
"Staria!" I heard my best friend, Laila, yell my name.
I kept staring at the fish, knowing it wasn't going to upset her if I didn't look at her.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Echo left!" She cried. "And that means Justice will be gone too! We need to go join a guild! It's what they always told us to do."
Something snapped. I didn't mean to raise my voice and I didn't mean to be angry. But I did, and I regretted it.
"NO! HE'S NOT GOING TO LEAVE! HE ISNT LIKE ECHO!!" I knew my words were going to hurt, they always caused pain. I looked up and realized Laila looked pained.
"Laila, I-" I was cut off as she slapped my hand away and ran off. I wanted to chase her, but my legs wouldn't move. I'd talk to her later but right now I had to go check on Justice.

"Justice!!" I called, tears forming in my eyes. He was gone, I knew it. But a part of me didn't want to accept it. I laid down on the ground and cried. I didn't think it was going to hit me this hard. He had told me from day one, he would leave and I wouldn't be able to go with him. I sobbed until my heart truely hurt. And that's when I decided to go check on Lalia.

"Lalia?" I called. She wasn't home and neither was her exceed, Link. Why was everyone leaving me?!?

I walked into town, where Justice forbade me to go. I never knew why. Until now, that is.
"Oh my god! That's Staria Lightsabor! Get her and we can get the reward money!" Some manly voice called.
What? Reward money? They acted like I'm some wanted criminal! Suddenly my arms were grabbed and I was pinned. I was too weak by my earlier emotional break down to fight back and that's when I blacked out.

"Little Lady?" A concerned voice called.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Drink this," and suddenly a drink was shoved down my throat.
I looked up and saw a concerned man, about 18. He was quite cute looking if I do say so myself.
"Little Lady?" He asked again.
And suddenly I remembered everything. I'm Staria Lightsabor, daughter of famous celestial wizard Bambi and famous Ice Mage, Frost. I was kidnapped, held for ransom money, and Justice saved me all at the age of 3. The kidnappers nearly drowned me while I was in their care, which explains why I'm deathly afraid of getting in water. This was my guardian celestial sprit, Soro, god of the Tiger. I was suppose to be a celestial wizard but Justice taught me so I'm a galaxy dragon slayer, but I still have my celestial powers.
"Soro?" I asked as he gave me a big hug and wrapped his arms around me.
"Little Lady!!"
"Staria! You look beautiful!" Bambi, my mother cried as she held up a mirror.
I had reddish pinkish hair and a natural tattoo on my cheek of a white star outlined in black (the signature Lightsabor look)
I explained to my mom and dad, Soro, and my mom's personal celestial spirit, Baby, who was a maid, about what happened over the six years. Mom said that she would take me to the guild master in our town to see if he knew anything about Justice in the morning.
"Why did you come back?" My dad asked as he left.
"Hey-" Soro began.
"No, leave him." I requested.
"But Litt-"
"I said no! Close the gate of the tiger!" As Soro vanished a key on the end of a necklace fell in my hands. I put the necklace on.
Please forgive me, Soro.
I leaned over and cried my self to sleep.
"I can open my own gate," Soro said as he hugged me.
I felt his embrace and fell to sleep in his arms, I was too tired to deal with him.

I was woken by Baby, saying how my mother has a deathly fever. I ran to her room, but before I entered I saw my dad leaning over my mom.
"My money ticket, all gone. But it's okay, Victoria and my son will take this family over."
"Huh!?" He looked up and realized I heard him. "Don't you dare say anything about this!" He said as he slapped little 9 year old me so hard I fell to the ground.
"Hey!" Soro yelled while lunging at my dad.
"Star..ia" I heard my mom barely whisper.
"Mom!" I ran to her side and hugged her. "I love you! Please don't die!"
I cried there all night long she sang me a beautiful song with her last breaths. I recognized it, my special song she used to sing to me.

Three days later
My mother was buried in the backyard of our estate and I had only made my father hate me more. I had inherited my mothers fortune and her celestial keys but it was weird. The guild master looked after my fortune until I was eighteen and I got to keep my celestial keys. Which mom had tons of them. I kept them on on necklaces and kept them in a bag which I put a spell on to make it hold as much as I wanted and appeared on top when I wanted the item. My dad soon remarried and his son and wife moved in. I hated them. The wife was Victoria and the son, which was a year older than me (yes he cheated on my mom) was named Jason.

Age: 18
I was old enough to leave this place so I did as soon as it was 5:00 in the morning on my birthday. I brought my bag with the keys (of course wearing Soro's) and left for the guild Fairytail.

"Gramps?" I asked as soon as I got there.
"Staria! Happy birthday dear. Glad to see you came here bright and early. I know what you came for but want to join Fairytail while you're at it?"
"Sure!" He gave me the stamp on palm, I between my thumb and pointer finger. I talked with Mirajane until more people arrived.

I never thought I'd hear that voice again.

So I obviously don't own Fairytail, but I do own the character and backstory. Also I own the cover as I painted it myself.
So my bestie (Laila_Starborn ) and I are writing 2 stories which kinda interloop. So if you guys want to go read Laila's backstory go check out Laila_Starborn and read her backstory! Also hope you enjoy the two stories and have some fun!

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