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Why had Natsu worried for me? Had he really thought I was going to not be his friend?
This was all so confusing. I wanted to go home.
I grabbed my phone and tried to unlock it. Until I realized it wasn't my phone, it was Laxus's.
I sighed and walked back inside.

Everyone was thinking hard so they didn't notice me. that is until I went up to Laila and asked if we found a resolution.
"Huh? Oh no, not yet." She mumbled.

I walked over to my body (Gajeel) and asked for my phone.
"Huh? Oh yeah." He handed it to me and I realized I was locked out for a minute.
"Gajeel!" I gave him a glare and waited for it to unlock.
I dialed a number and stepped out of the room.
"Hello? Child? How is the guild going?"
"Hey gramps. Listen, some things went down and everyone switched bodies. We'd like some help." I asked.
"I don't know what I can do, but I can send Erza." He offered.
"Unless she knows a potion to undo this, I don't know if that's going to help."
he sighed, "I'll be sending some people over to try and help." And he hung up.

"I called Gramps." I told Laila.
"What!! Why?? Now he isn't going to trust us...." Laila complained.
"Hey," I said while hitting her arm playfully, "we're fairy tail wizards! We are suppose to mess things up!"
We both laughed.

Finally, the "wizards" gramps sent showed up. There was Levi, Lucy, and Free. Guess maybe their powers could come in handy.
"Let me see the potion you guys drank." Levi asked and I handed her the rest of the potion in my bottle.
"I may be able to find the ingredients from it."
We all chatted until a huge poof went off.

I looked down and was in the body again.
"Yasssss!" Both Laila and I yelled while jumping up.

Levi, Lucy, and Free all stared at us and we laughed.
"Exactly an hour and thirty minutes!" Rose said, writing it down and skipping off.
"Hey you get back here!" Alton yelled while storming off.

Sorry it's short but I wanted to write something quick that didn't involve a fight scene, like most chapters do. 😸 don't forget to go check out Laila's POV on Laila_Starborn

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