A New Friend?

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When I woke up, I was still by the coy pond but it was only snowing harder. I was about to sit up and head back to the guild when I notice something heavy laying on my stomach. I look to see what it was and almost died of cuteness. It was a fox.
When I realized it was a fox, I realized that it may hurt me so I tried to scoot it off of and get up. I woke it up on accident when I tried to scoot it off, only to follow me when I got up. I squatted down to look at it's eyes and it look like a little baby.
"You can't do much harm, can you?" I petted his head and scooped it up in my arms.
"Remember foxes are dangerous, little lady." Soro's voice called.
I jumped a little and the fox started to growl at him.
"Wow... Guess he doesn't like you." I laughed and calmed the little guy.
"Besides, what are you doing in all this snow?" Soro asked looking around.
"It's not cold." I laughed. Everyone always hated it when I said it, but I don't get cold easily.
"of course not. Are you heading to the guild?"
I was about to speak when my phone went off. It was Laila's special ringtone I set for her so I answer the call.
"Staria where have you been!! I know you were going to the coy pond but you've been gone almost the whole day and now it's snowing!" Laila's voice was yelled through the cell phone.
I chuckled a little. "What are you, my mother? Just kidding! I fell asleep. Sorry! But hey, I have someone I want you to meet, so stay at the guild!" And with that I hung up and ran to the guild.

I walked in and walked to Laila, who was with Natsu and Happy.
"Hey guys!" I waved at them.
"Who did you want me to me-" and she saw the fox. "AWWW he's so cute!!" She said while petting the sleepy fox. "What's his name?" Natsu asked.
"I don't know yet. could you guys help me? I'm bad with naming things." I smiled.


Staria LightsaborWhere stories live. Discover now