Happy Birthday

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I woke Laila up early and made her go to the guild.
When we got there, the whole guild was decorated.
"Happy Birthday!!" Everyone yelled at Laila.
"For me?" Laila asked.
"Yup! It was Natsu and Staria's idea." Lucy said.
Natsu and I wrapped our arms around each other's neck and smiled brightly.
"Yup!" We said in sync.
We both handed her our presents and laughed at her faced as she opened them.
"Wow, these are amazing!"
"Look at this cake! The baker made it specially!" Erza said gleefully.
Link flew around and gave out party hats to everyone while we hung out and danced and had a blast. Even Gramps joined us.
"Thanks." Laila whispered as we hugged. Then she went and hugged Natsu.
"Well I'm heading home! Staria coming?" She questioned.
"Uh no...I'm on clean up duty..." I sigh sad fully.
"Okay well see ya tomorrow!" She smiled and ran out, along with everyone else.
"Hey cheer up! I'll help you." I heard a voice as an arm wrapped around my neck.
I looked up and saw Gray's smiling face.
"Thanks man!" I smiled and we got to work.

"Hey can you keep a secret?" Gray asked.
"Yeah I like to believe so." I said as I swept the floor.
"Natsu likes Laila," he said while avoiding my gaze.
"Really!?!" I asked, a little too joyfully.
"Yeah...why do you sound so happy? Do you like him?" He said sounding a little betrayed.
"What!! No no no! I have a different person I have my eyes on, but not him. But I have another reason for sounding happy." I said blushing quite a lot.
"Oh. Who do you like?"
"Are you asking me a childish question like that? What are we in, middle school?" I said trying to avoid his question.
"Fine. Listen I hate to bail on you but I forgot I have something to pick up,"
"Hey we're basically done here. And it's quite late you shouldn't be out by yourself." I replied.
"Well I suppose some company would be nice!" He laughed and we walked down the street.

"It's so nice!" I smiled and stared into the sky.
"Yeah." He replied.
"Gray, put your shirt on." I said while blushing.
"Eh?" He looked down and blushed too.
Suddenly we heard footsteps, behind us running.
"Huh?" I asked as Gray turned around and was suddenly knocked out.
I tried to use my magic but it wouldn't work, so I guess gray's didn't either.
I started to black out so as a last resort I called Laila before blacking out.

"Hello? Staria?" Laila asked concerned for the 2nd time.
"Hello Laila."
Chills went down her spine.
"Yes, and if you want Staria and Gray back, I want to see you again. Come to the docks, alone, and they won't be harmed."
And with that he hung up.

Laila just stood there, thinking of what to do.

Okay so I know this chapter was a little choppy, I just haven't posted something in a while so I wanted to post something. so bai!

(Sorry about the sorta-cliff hanger!)

Staria LightsaborOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora