Oh No

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"Since you wouldn't play nice.."Sting started as he threw a seeming lifeless gray body exceed on the floor.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO LINK!?!? ILL MAKE YOU REGRET EVER MESSING WITH FAIRYTAIL!" As Laila screamed this, the ropes vanished.
I up, but quickly fell again.
"Staria, I can handle it if you want to sit out..." Laila started.
"No..I'll just have to use my galaxy powers instead of my keys." I smiled at her.
Laila started her attack and head for Rogue.
I formed two black balls of magic in my hands and ran at Sting, but I was soon got something much worse.
I was thrown against the wall by his attack and fell to the ground.
He walked over to me and grabbed my hair to pull me up and wrapped his arm around my neck.
"Laila stop, or else Staria is gonna have some fun." he smirked.
"No! Keep fighting Laila! I'll be fine!" I tried to convince her, this was the best in escaping we've done all night. "Laila I swear if you don't avenge Link right here and now because of me, I don't think I could forgive myself, now please!" I cried and stared her dead on.
she grinned and went back to fighting Rogue.
Since Sting was behind me, I lifted my leg and swung it back and he let me go. I collapsed to the floor.
Jesus no! This is not the time to run out of magic energy!
My thought was cut short as I face planted into the ground. He grabbed my hair again and pulled me back to wear he was crouching.
"You really shouldn't have taken me on while you have no magic energy." He smashed the back of my head into the ground.
I wasn't going to leave Laila fighting 2 on 1, so I kicked his ankle, trying to trip him but that only resulted in me getting flown against the wall, again.
I looked at my body,it was all scratched, was bleeding, an burnt.
I felt tired but I couldn't fight, not like this. I tried to get up but felt a sharp pain in my ankle.
No! Did I break it!?!"
I had broken my ankle before and this felt just like it. Great I can't fight and now I can't walk either.
I saw my bag of keys and got an idea.
I crawled/ trying to walk/ whatever I could to get to my keys.
I got to them and looked at the fight. Rogue looked like he was tired, but I could see the fear in Laila's eyes.
I didn't know if I could do something, but i had to try.
I grabbed the key I wanted and quietly spoke, "open gates of the seasons!"
I felt a sharp pain in my side, but kept opening the gates. Suddenly there were 4 goddesses and they looked at me for an order and I pointed and stated, "help Laila."
I crawled back over to Link to check to see if he was okay, but before I was thrown against the wall, again.
"Still have the energy to summon those spirits and I'll just have to burn the keys." He said walking toward me and my key bag. Then Spring attacked from behind.
I knew what I had to do, and It was going to hurt.
I grabbed the right key. "Open gate of the helper!" I mumbled and suddenly a nurse appeared.
"Little Lady, you don't look so good." She said making a move at me but I slapped her hand away.
"Help...him." I mumbled. I had 5 celestial spirits out and I knew if I passed out then they would disappear.
I saw her working on Link.
"He's breathing fine."
"Staria! Put one of these 5 spirits away or you'll only pay the price." Laila yelled.
"It's the price I'm willing to pay!" I yelled back.
I blacked out.
Im so sorry Laila, there's nothing I could do but let them drain my energy, and hurt us, link, and my spirits. I'm so sorry!
Even through I was blacked out, I knew I was crying.

Staria LightsaborWhere stories live. Discover now