Part 10: hero

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Aoasalam u alikum! Get yourself ready! There is a lot of drama coming your way.........
P.s that's Aaliya hatun.......[we all know she's actually zeynep from Mehmetick kut'ul amare🤫]
The feast
Narrator's pov:
Bala hatun and gonca hatun were  setting up the table when Bala Asked gonca "gonca'um my dear! What are your plans about marriage?"
".....I don't know bala!"
Bala was about to tell her that Ali likes her and wants to her to marry him BUT osman bey had to come inside.....
Gonca hatun left the tent as she assumed osman and bala needed their privacy
. "Osman'um"
"Bala!um!! Is everything ready?"
"Yes bey everything is ready...."
"Bey?!" Asked bala. "Bey with your permission! brother Ali wants to ask gonca for marriage! As they were childhood Friends gonca would like to marry him too......!"
"I understand bala!......I understand we'll ask them"

At the alps tent.
Boran, Gogtuk and konur were getting ready for the feast.
".....aye konur! Just wondering where did you take shazan? Asked boran
"It's not important!"
"I see! I think next time you can show your horse tricks to Aaliya hatun!" Said Gogtuk.
Konur started blushing. "W...what are you two idiots talking about?"
"Gardes'um we saw the way you showed off in front of Aaliya hatun" Said boran which made Gogtuk chuckle.
"At least I can talk other than you" fired konur.
"Konur you know these matters are completely different" says boran blushing. "Oh now iTs different"
"Boran! Konur! ......wait til I tell osman bey about your stories" quipped Gogtuk. Konur And boran starred at each other before saying "Konur! I think there is a certain alp that needs our attention?" Says boran sarcastically. "You are right boran!" said konur as he clenched his fists

Konur And boran vs Gogtuk

..........let's just say it's ended up pretty bad but at least Gogtuk will be keep himself quite FOR NOW..........

At the feast
Soon enough The guests started arriving.
........blah blah blah let's skip til the juicy part.....
Gonca's pov
Osman bey looked at bala who nodded giving him her response.
"Savci bey! What is the foundation of a state?!"
"Family osman bey family"
"How does a nation rise?!" He asked
"People bounded each other with love and respect, children are grown up with consciousness of moral and responsibility in heart, they learn helping and loving each other"
"For this purpose! Ali alp ve ......GOnCa baci will get married!"
Wait what?! Did he actually just say I'm gonna get married to someone I only took as my brother.
I glared at bala, wide eyed Who was just smiling sheepishly.
After hearing this not only I froze to death but Boran alp did too.
"Bala hatun you get the wedding ready!" Said osman bey.

Konur alp's pov:
After osman bey announced the wedding, I knew boran must be heartbroken so I decided to 'accidentally' drop my plate of food on boran as an excuse of getting him out of the tent.
"Oh ho sorry about! With your permission bey"
"You May leave"
Me and boran were able leave bey's tent
Boran stormed towards the stables where he started to untie his horse.
"Boran! Gardes'um" I Said in a concerning tone.
"Boran there is good hidden in everything we think bad! If you are sincere and I know you are sincere Allah will make ways for you! Just be patient brother"
But of course Boran didn't listen and trailed off.......

The next day
Me and Gogtuk spent the Whole night waiting for Boran ............who never came back.
"Konur abi! Let's go look for him" says Gogtuk anxiously. "Wait Gogtuk I'm sure he'll be back............let's just be patient"

Gonca's pov:
After what happened last night, I wasn't able to get a glimpse of sleep.
I wanted to clear my mind so I decided to go outside the tribe for a while.........the words from last night kept on echoing in my ear; 'ali alp ve gonca baci will get married......ali alp ve gonca baci will get married.......ali alp ve gonca baci will get married'

Flashback of the last night after the feast was over.
I asked bala "bala why did you say I want to marry your brother?!"
"Ali always admired you and you and him were inseparable when you two were kids"
"Yes that was when we were KIDS bala"
"So you don't want to marry him? what's wrong with my brother" she raged before releasing what she said.
She then placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and said
"I'm sorry gonca'um! I didn't mean to say that"
"It's okay! But you will have to fix this yourself"
"Tmam I will" Said Bala

End of flashback

I sat under a tree, thinking to myself.....when when all of the sudden an arrow flew out and pierced my shoulder.
I drew my sword out and found some mongol soldiers coming my way
"Vay Vay Vay What a beautiful girl!" Said one of them........
the other one swung his sword at me that I was able to duck under, I swung my sword and pierced my sword in the soldier's stomach.
Another soldier swung his sword at me that made me swing my sword suchlike that our swords met but I wasn't powerful enough to push him back..........I ended up getting pushed myself which made me fell...the savage soldiers drew his sword and was about to kill me when someone shot an arrow from behind making the soldier drop his swords he fell down.......
I was surprised when I saw who it was, it was.............

Aoasalam u alikum
I think you guys already know who can this be.......
JAZZAKALLAH KHAIR for reading my virtual book............a special thank you XZunairaX, mixkeySalah [p.s love the username] and ayeswrites
May Allah bless you all

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