Part 8: the gazelle

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Aoasalam u alikum
This storyline is after episode 37, after they conquered kauluchisar
Konur's pov.
My first day back in the tribe. Ahhh! How I missed the smell of home.
Everyone warmly welcomed me Back but of course they were shocked to see me alive so much so that ayaz and dumrul started reciting dua'a as they thought I was a Jin or something.
After a whole day of enjoying the scent of the tribe that I had been longing for a long time.
Me and my friends sat together in my tent
Boran was sharpening his sword while Gogtuk and I were catching up.
"So abi! How was your day back?!"
"Ahh! Kardes'm I have no words to describe how I feel!"
"Aye Gogtuk!!! Look" I gestured at boran Who was in his usual dream world.
"Boran!!" I snapped him out of his trance by pulling the sword that he leaned onto.
"Boran What were you thinking kardes?"
"Nothing important!" Said boran while avoiding our stare.
"Sure sure! Boran do you remember the bet we made!?"
"What bet?"
"You know the goat race one! When you said whoever loses will run around the tribe on one leg like a gazelle" Gogtuk snickered And Said "So who lost?!"
"Boran!" I Said
"Na Ah you did" he objected
"Boran I remember you losing ,brother! Admit it"
"No I didn't! Let's ask dumrul! He was our witness"
After a few minutes of none stop bickering. Gogtuk got annoyed and said
"You two can continue your bickering I'll go and ask dumrul"
"Well He started it" whined boran.
Gogtuk playfully rolled his eyes and left.

Gogtuk's pov:
I went to the alp's tent where dumrul and ayaz were. "Aoasalam u alikum"
Walikum salam Gogtuk kardes" Said ayaz.
"Dumrul do you remember who won at the goat race that you were held witness for boran and konur"
"Yeah I do! Osman bey won"
"We know that! Who won after"
"It was both of them!"
"I see, thank you brother" I Said

I came back to konur Abi's tent where I found boran and konur in the middle of a fight. "What happened here?!" I Asked.
'Boran won't admit he lost" Said konur Who took boran as a victim in his headlocks.
I sat down and said "abi! He didn't lose and you didn't win"
Boran and konur stopped their fighting "Gogtuk what is that suppose to mean?" Asked boran. "It was a tie so that means.........."
Konur interrupted me and said "you know what boran, let's forget the bet!" Says konur abi.
"Yes yes I agree konur!"
Just as I was about to something, the drums started beating.
We looked outside to see who it was................

Alp'ler [soldiers] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora