Part 7:conquer

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Time passed and now let's continue from episode 36. When Boran alp and Gogtuk alp snuck into the castle kalachisar
At the tribe
Boran alp's pov: Osman bey had called me and Gogtuk to his tent, he assigned us to sneak into the castle where we will meet konur to destroy the Byzantine army.
After hearing that we will be seeing konur, I and Gogtuk were beyond happy. "This is an important job! Do be careful" Said Osman bey.
We placed our palms at our chests and said "whatever you say bey'm"

The castle.
Osman bey told us to hide under the cart from which we brought flatyos.
I and Gogtuk came out of the cart after Osman bey fired it with the explosives.
I assume konur was already expecting that as I felt someone pulling me from my arm when I looked at who he was I gestured Gogtuk to follow us, konur alp took us to the upper portion of the castle where the smoke couldn't reach.
"Kardes'ler," Said konur and hugged us.
"Abi! Is this you?" Asked Gogtuk.
Konur rolled his eyes "Gogtuk it's me"
"Ahh, kardes'm! We missed you a lot" I Said as placed my hand on his shoulder. He patted my hand and said, "I did too boran!"
"Boran Gogtuk have you been taking care of the tribe? How is My Osman bey?" Asked konur. "Osman bey and the tribe are well alhamdulillah, Osman sends you his regards," I Said.
"We have a lot to catch you up on" Said Gogtuk. "Like what?!" Asked konur. Gogtuk eyed me and said "like Boran's crush"
Konur glanced at me and I avoided his stare. "Is That true boran?" He asked.
"Don't listen to him! He's crazy" I Said defensively. Konur nughed Gogtuk as both of them smirked mischievously.
"Cm'on let's get our work started." Said konur
We went to the kitchen and saw two soldiers eating there and talking "Who do you think will take flatyos' place?"
"Whoever it will be, he'll be better" we jolted on top of those two and killed them without dragger. Konur Who was on the lookout came in and said "good job! Cm'on lets hide them"
After that, we killed a couple more soldiers
And now the real fun begins, I said "ya shaheed ya ghazi"
Konur And Gogtuk repeated what I said and we hugged each other before spreading out to do our work.
Konur alp went down and started yelling "hurry up! The Turks have entered the castle through the basement. Cm'on" I did the same thing in the upper portion soon enough all the soldiers gathered up we pushed them into the basement. Konur alp locked the room
I and Konur ran to the main entrance of the castle where Gogtuk was to open the main door. I and Konur took down the soldier that was with Helen. Helen was screaming like crazy, konur got tired of it and said "pipe down" he shot Helen with his arrow but the arrow only managed to pierce her arm. At least she's quiet now
Osman bey and the alps started shooting arrows to kill the extra soldiers above. "Bey'm is here," Said konur Who looked overjoyed. Now, all we had to do is guard Gogtuk as he pulled the lever of the door.
We were successful in guarding Gogtuk which made it easier for Gogtuk to open the door.

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