They kept ranting about random stuff which I didn't pay attention to until we reached our destination and entered the building.

People, like usual, started staring at us, well more like glaring at me but who cares? It's like their job to judge and whisper about other people while they themselves aren't so good.

I went up to my locker, grabbed my stuff and closed it, just to see the boys still there with me.

"Let's go?" Theo asked but I just walked away without saying anything.

"Tough one, isn't she?" I heard Tyler mumble.


It was free time and I was sitting in one corner of the school ground, under a tree alone, far away from all the other people, when the boys decided to disturb me.

Seriously, don't they have a job beside getting in my life and disturbing me?

"Do you want to play basketball with us? We actually need one more person, since our friend is absent today." Dylan asked.

"I'm not the one you're looking for. Go find someone else." I said and pulled my phone out to play games.

"Just say it. You can't play." David said annoyed and I closed my phone, slipping it back inside my pocket and got up from my spot.

"Bring it on." I said and we walked to where the other players had been standing.

I put my cap down on a table on the side when everybody gathered in the middle.

"Okay, I'll start." A guy from the opposite team said as he hit the ball on the ground and the game started.

We kept playing until the opposite team won a round. The second round was won by our team and now, we took a break.

"Yo, Dylan! Your sister plays pretty good. Just like a boy. In fact, it's hard to believe that she's a girl." The guy from the opposite team said as he drank some water after smiling at me.

I didn't bother saying anything back and took a sip of the water from the bottle that Dylan gave me.

"Let's start the final round. If we win this, you'll do one thing we say, Rose. Same goes to your team. Deal?" The guy said.

"Deal." I replied and the game started.

This round was pretty long as no one was really winning because if anyone lost the game, they would lose their reputation.


The ball was passed to me. What I did next, is I kept bouncing it on the ground while running towards the net and when I was in the perfect spot, I made a high jump and threw the ball straight in the net.

The boys from our team started shouting happily while the opposite team boys were frustrated. I took a few deep breathes and pushed my hair back with one of my hands.

Their leader, the guy who had made the deal, walked up to me and held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Congratulations. Fair game." He offered a smile which of course I didn't return, nor did I shake his hand. Instead, I turned around and went to the table on which I had kept my cap. Picking it up and putting it on, I started walking towards the door when they called me out.

"You didn't tell us. What do you want us to do?" The guy asked.

"Don't bother me." I replied calmly and left the room.


College ended and I left the building. I was walking near the parking lot when I saw the boys.

"Want a ride?" Dylan asked, pointing towards their car while the others were already inside.

"No." I replied and continued walking.


A while later, I reached the mansion and went inside.

Not wanting to face anyone right now, I straight up went upstairs to my room and closed the door behind.

"Rose, do you want to go out with us?" I soon heard Dylan from outside my room and went to open the door.

"Leave me alone. Stop bothering me." I replied with my usual straight face and closed the door.

I don't find a reason showing my emotions, as everytime I had done so, I was met with judgements, saying I was weak and got emotional all the time, so I shut my emotions inside my heart. Forced to build up walls around my heart, I became the rude and brutal person that I had never dreamt to be.


Two days later

It was a nice morning. I looked at the sky through the glass doors, lying in my bed. Sky was clear and birds were chirping in their melodious voices. I had told Aaron that I'd meet up with him today in the park.

I rolled out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom.


After taking a quick cold shower and drying my hair, I came out and quickly went inside my closet. I wore the same outfit from two days back but it was washed, of course.

Brushing my hair, I wore a black headband around my forehead and put on a black cap.

I wore the same silver hoop earrings from yesterday, a pair of black socks and black boots and after grabbing my phone, I left my room.

In the dining hall, I saw them already gathered and sat on my chair. Some of them greeted me but I didn't greet them back and started eating the food I was just served with.


Breakfast was over and I left the dining hall, making my way out of the mansion when they called me out.

"Where are you going?" They asked.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked as I turned around.

They walked up to me and Damien spoke up.

"Are you going to the bar? To get drunk again?" He asked rudely.

"That shouldn't be any of your concern, like I said before. Don't make me repeat myself again and again." I replied.

"Can I come with you?" Dylan asked with hopeful eyes.

"No." I replied as I turned around and left.

They're trying their best and to get what? Failure.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice from behind and turned around to see no one else but Theo and Tyler.

"Goodmorning. Where you off to?" Tyler asked.

"Underworld." I replied as I kept walking but they didn't stop following me.

"Sounds cool. Can we join?" Theo asked.

"If you want to die, of course." I replied and he chuckled.

"I'd be more than honoured to get killed by a beautiful girl like you." He said.

Guess they really want to die.



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