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"but you fit better than my favorite sweater "

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"but you fit better than my favorite sweater "

3rd POV
"Baby don't you understand!-" jughead started raising his voice but with sympathy, before Betty interrupted.

"Jughead at first I believed you, but where have you been all these days, jughead I'm not stupid. You don't and will never have work past Liz' preschool time. Please just tell me where you have been!" Betty pleaded raising her voice as well.

Both not loud enough to wake up Elizabeth.

"At work-" jughead started.
"Bullshit!" Betty yelled.

"I drove past there on the day me and Elizabeth went out for fun. Guess who's car wasn't there! Yours"

She yelled becoming a little emotional. She knew in her gut he was lying to her.

"Why jughead? Why do you always lie?" She said her eyes getting teary.

Jughead looked down.

"I'm not cheating on you" he said quickly before walking away.

Leaving the conversation at just that.

Betty groaned.
"you think I don't know that. I'm not stupid, thats for sure" she said to herself but still out loud.

"I'm running to the store for stuff to make dinner, I'll be back in a little bit. Love you sweetheart" jughead yelled from the front room still in a bad mood.

Betty didn't say anything.
She went to Elizabeth's room to see how she was doing, she'd been napping for about an hour so she should be waking up any second.

Betty sat beside her on the bed for about 10 minutes stroking Elizabeth's cheek with her thumb until she finally woke up.

"hi pumpkin, how'd you sleep?" Betty asked as Elizabeth's eyes blinked open.

"hi mommy" she said a smile forming on her face.

Betty kissed her cheek.

"daddy ran to the store for dinner, it's just us. do you want to watch a movie?" Betty asked her sweetly.

Liz smiled tiredly and nodded.
"okay honey" betty smiled in a whisper voice.

She scooped Elizabeth up into her arms as she giggled and carried her to the gaming/ movie room.

They watched shark boy and lava girl. They were about an hour in when jughead came home so they decided just to finish it later tonight.

Jug bought steaks and all these seasonings, he has nearly no experience with cooking considering he has always had a chef or ate out.

But there's nothing YouTube can't teach you.

There was still tension between jughead and Betty.

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