after math

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'keep your head up. They'd kill to see you fall'

Possible TW
•self hate
•over working themself
Betty Cooper
I woke up with a weird feeling. I felt warmth and comfort, but also an ache.... down there.

Oh my gosh... my memories of last night came back. I lost my virginity. I had sex with my kidnapper. I wanted to cry, but I felt myself smiling. It was amazing. Elizabeth stop. Remember!? Oh know! My smile quickly vanished

I blinked my eyes open and realized where I was, what I was doing.

I'm naked in jugheads arms.

"Morning Elizabeth" his raspy voice echoed above me. I didn't look at him. I just shook my head sitting up with the blanket around me.

"So you're just going to act like everything is fine?" I asked a little heated. I looked at him to see his confused look.

"You took my virginity! I'm not married, we aren't even dating!" I yelled standing up off the bed, but instantly falling due to the soreness in my legs. I saw him crack a smile, trying not to laugh at me, only pissing me off even more.

"So you're just going to laugh? you did this to me!" I yelled almost crying.

"Darling I asked you many times if you were okay, and you were practically begging for me to keep going" he explained in a calm but stern tone, as I sat on the floor breathing heavily.

"I'm a teenager! So you're just going to keep going?! What the hell is wrong with you" I yelled, a couple tears falling down my face. I could see his calm expression turn angry.

"sweetheart, calm down" he said to me, but mainly to calm himself down.

I wasn't having it, "calm down? Calm down! you expect me to keep calm, after losing my virginity to a stranger. You kidnapped me! Your a grown ass man, who likes to steal teenagers virginity, just for the fun of it. You're disgusting" I yelled, finally for what felt like the first time. Breaking.

Jughead was pissed. He stood up off his bed, naked and threw on a robe.

He walked over to me and knelt. At this point I was terrified. I scooted back towards the bed until I could no longer, but he only came closer.

His thumb and index finger grabbed my chin,  "Elizabeth don't you dare. Ever. Assume anything about me. You know nothing about me. I suggest you shut the hell up, before your mouth gets the best of you." He said harshly, as I shed some tears of fear.

Then in one swift move he picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my bedroom. he set me on my bed not saying anything. He then proceeded to get pajamas out of my drawer and dress me, considering I was still naked. It was awkward to say the least. "your breakfast will be here shortly" he stated at my door before closing it.

I couldn't help it, I broke down. I took a look around the room in hopes to see a journal or even a piece of paper, nothing. I opened a drawer from my nightstand and found a pink journal, with a gold pen attached.

Still crying I picked it up and opened to the first page. I started sobbing as I wrote.

Hi. I'm not going to introduce myself. I guess so if anyone finds this they won't immediately know it's mine.
I lost my virginity last night. I yelled at him. He is so hot, but seriously he took a teenagers virginity. Even if I did beg him he should had just held back. I don't know. I'm kidnapped, well he kidnapped me. But has provided me with everything. A much better life than I use to have. He is just intimidating. I feel nervous around him. Well I did. I wasn't nervous while yelling at him. Back to the point. He took my virginity, why am I so mad at him? Ugh I feel disgusting saying this but when I was in 7th my grandma had died and she had always asked me to not let anyone take away my virginity. Well not unless I trust them with my life, and had preferably married them. Ever since she passed, I feel that I have to do that. I promised her. And also I feel so embarrassed saying this, but I'm insecure. Like really insecure about my body. For the first time in a long time I have seen my body in the mirror. I guess it's just my luck though. I have been working out in the gym almost everyday, which I thought would help, but I still look fat. I still go to work out though. It makes me feel better. Okay it was nice talking. bye

AN: Betty is actually really skinny, she is just very insecure. But she doesn't have an eating disorder<3

By now I had calmed down a little bit, I was still upset but I wasn't sobbing anymore.

I went to go hide this newly found journal in my bathroom when my legs wobbled a little, but I still stood

There it is. Tears started coming again reminding me of what I had did. I heard a knock on the door, so I quickly sat back down and out the journal under my pillow.

The door opened revealing jughead with a plate of food.

He looked really concerned when he saw my tear stained cheeks. But I quickly turned around embarrassed.

"Darling I have your breakfast" I heard him say, immediately calming me.

I felt angry. I hate how he is the reason for my tears, but he is also the only one that can make them disappear in an instant.

I felt the bed sink next to me, meaning he had sat down. His hand touched my back, sending shocks through my body. I felt comfortable though.

He rubbed my back, "are you okay?" He asked.

I couldn't do it. I broke down even more, turning around and hugging him.

His hands grabbed my waist as he lifted me onto his lap so I was straddling him. I didn't even care that he put me on his lap, I just cried in his arms.

He planted kisses all over my head, one of his hands were placed on the back of my head and the other was rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed. "baby, there's nothing to be sorry for. If anything I'm sorry" he cooed. "I'm sorry I called you disgusting, your right I know nothing about you. It's just my grandma always made me promise to keep it until marriage, and, and-" I ranted, "shhhhh lovely it's alright" he whispered.

Jughead Jones
My heart dropped as I heard that. I ruin everything.

"shhhh baby it's alright" I whispered trying to calm her down. My heart was racing.

I planted more kisses on her head, "I'm so sorry my love. You have every right to be angry." I whispered. I feel so guilty. Everything she said was right, well I don't sleep with teenagers, or have for a matter of fact anyone, not for the time that I've known her. But she's right. I'm disgusting.

I felt her tiny arms wrap tighter around me. I comforted her or at least tried for the next hour as she calmed down. Once I realized she was asleep I laid her on her bed and tucked her into some blankets. I sat and watched her sleep for about 5 minutes, snapping a few photos. I know that sounds so creepy, but she is so adorable. I love looking at her, even in pictures.

I picked up her breakfast plate and set it on the counter before going back to the gym. I need to let out some anger.

My arms are burning from punching the bag so hard, but it's a good burn. I kept going for about 45 minutes before the pain became unbearable.

I sat on the bench panting taking a sip of water every few minutes.

I eventually calmed down and went back to my room to take a shower, but not before checking on Betty once again, she was still sleeping, so I got in the shower to wash off after I'd been working out for the past almost hour.

Published: May 2nd 2021

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