'Dont wait up'

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'he's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same'

Possible TW
•mentions of rape (not explicit details)
•self hate
•being drugged
Betty Cooper
"jughead?" I yelled out from the kitchen. I am going on a walk to relieve some stress, jughead is nowhere to be found.

"Yes darling?" He asked coming out from the hallway behind me making me jump.

"I'm going on a walk I just thought I should let you know" I smiled. His face showed a little worry before he smiled fakely, "yeah okay sure, just please don't be longer than like 45 minutes" he said.

I smiled and nodded. "also Betty, um if you are lost, everyone in this neighborhood knows each other so just knock on someone's door and ask them to take you here." He said. I nodded.

"Thanks" I said walking to the front door and opening it.

I started walking looking for a park nearby. Eventually I found one! I sat down at one of the benches and started writing.

I wrote about how disappointed I was in myself of how I drank, and had sex once again. I slipped a few tears, but not to the point of sobbing.

Eventually I got hungry so I started heading back home. I don't really know how long it's been, hopefully less than 45 minutes. I finally found my way back to the house and opened the door to be met with jughead sitting in one of the chairs.

I just stood there not knowing what to say before I just kept walking past him.

Unfortunately I was too slow. He grabbed my wrist turning me back around. "Where the hell do you thing you're going" he asked in a stern tone. My stomach dropped.

"i dont know, I mean you were just sitting there" I mumbled.

"That's all? I don't know! Elizabeth you have been gone for almost two hours!" He yelled. I looked at him blankly before trying to make a run for it back to my bedroom. Too slow

His arms quickly wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. "What the hell Betty!" He asked irritated.

I panted. "I'm sorry" I whined in his grasp. He put me down holding my wrist tightly.

"Sorry? That's not going to cut it. You better get talking babygirl, because I'm not letting you go without an explanation" he said sternly. I huffed, "an explanation for what!" I asked slightly raising my voice.

"For why you were gone an hour and a half longer than I asked" he yelled back. I scowled. "just because you asked does not mean I have to listen, you are not the boss of me, you're acting like a dad would" I argued.

He looked angry, "yes Elizabeth it does. And for a matter of fact I am the boss of you, I own this house that your living in, therefore you listen to my rules" he said.

"I didn't ask to live here jughead, you think you're on top of everyone else because of your wealth, but guess what! Everyone actually despises you! I'm sorry that I have no track of time whatsoever locked up in this house all day everyday, and then I finally get the approval to go on a walk, and your angry with me. When does it stop jughead!" I yelled almost screaming. He looked furious.

"Elizabeth don't you dare speak like that to me" he yelled louder than he ever has before, making me jump.

"I'm leaving don't wait up" he said going to the kitchen to grab his phone, wallet and keys before leaving.

I breathed out, processing what had just had just happened. I grabbed my bag and went back to my room wondering where he could have possibly gone.

complicated loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora