The grand plan

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An: lol hey, so I'm going to be doing like a quote for each chapter, it doesn't have anything to do with the chapter, just for fun! If you have a good one pls comment!

'cold as ice but in the right hands she melts'

Possible Tw:
Jughead Jones
"I know this meeting is a little unexpected, and all of you are probably confused on why only you guys are here but I need help with something very important." I spoke sternly.

Gathered at this table were me, Toni, Fangs, and Sweetpea.

"Why weren't we aloud to speak of it?" Sweet Pea asked. "I'm getting to that" I said bluntly. He nodded.

"I have made a new business deal. Not a usual one. A kidnapping." I said as they're faces changed to confused look.

"I have got in contact with Hal cooper. Of course I know he lives in riverdale. But I have proposed an offer. $500,000 for his daughter. Thankfully he accepted. Don't ask questions because I won't answer. Now onto the plan." I sighed before continuing,

"Tonight you will park outside of her house at 10PM sharp. You'll sneak up a ladder to her window, and snatch her. Hal said she is a very deep sleeper, so it shouldn't be too hard. Tomorrow morning Hal will call the police saying their daughter is missing. And make sure no one ever finds out." I explained. "Wait boss are you not going to be there" Fangs asked confused. I shook my head. "no in fact I won't, I'll be here waiting for her" I said annoyed. "I have somewhere to be, I expect her in her room by 1 am. The flight should take about two hours, so I'm giving you extra time. Don't screw up. And lastly she's delicate. Don't. Hurt. Her" I finished.

I don't know what Betty does to me, but I feel possessive about her.

I still remember the first and only time I've seen Betty. Well in person.


"Mr Jones here is your cash" Hiram lodge spoke. "Thank you sir, any food places around here with takeout? I would like a souvenir" I teased. Hirams faced formed into a small smile. "Yes indeed. We have a diner down Main St. you'll see it, no doubt" he said as I nodded.

"Thank you have a good day" I spoke as I grabbed my meal. As I turned around to leave a girl caught my eye in one of the booths. She had blonde hair and beautiful emerald eyes. Her lips were perfect as she smiled to the girl in-front of her. I got this weird feeling. I need to make her mine. And soon. "Jug" fangs snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked him. "Sorry let's go" I said as him and sweet pea followed me out. They came with me as "bodyguards". I don't really have better words for it.

(On private jet back to NYC)
"Can you look up all the girls with blonde hair and green eyes in riverdale." I asked, well told sweet pea as the plane took off. I can't get her off my mind.

"May I ask why?" He asked. "No questions, now get too it" I spoke clearly annoyed, and almost embarrassed about my emotions.

About five minutes later sweet pea showed me all the girls he found on Instagram. I can't say I'm impressed by his work, knowing he could have down much more research, but maybe she had an Instagram?

"I'll be on here for a while no need to hover" I said bluntly as he handed me the laptop. I scrolled through all the pages. Nothing.

Wait! It's her! I found her! I quickly clicked on her profile.

Elizabeth Cooper
Riverdale high📣
my friends call me betty😘

Was her bio, and she had about 400 followers! Wow. I felt slight anger seeing that. Angry that other people got to see these pictures of her, or that they even got to look at her.

After about an hour of stalking, I had found out a lot about her. Mainly how something seems off. Something that is yet to be me.

He had status, he money, he had admirers, but he didn't have her.

end of the crazy long flashback...

Betty cooper
"Betty baby, we are going out to dinner tonight. Please be ready" my parents greeted before I could even step into the house after walking home from school. I froze. I blinked a few times. They're still there. Staring at me.

"Um why? Not that I'm complaining. Is everything okay?" I asked overly confused but not wanting to get in trouble.

They both smiled fakely, "no honey we are just so proud of you and want to treat you to dinner" my dad spoke placing a hand on my shoulder making me flinch.

They were still smiling. I cringed, "Wow, okay thanks I'll be down in a little bit" I said hoping for the disturbing smiles to leave their face. "Okay honey we're ready when you are" my mother said as they moved out of the way, finally letting me go to my room.

I got ready suspicious of what was going on. Just yesterday they were laughing at my bruises!

The night actually went normally. The dinner was great! We went to an Italian restaurant named Mia's.

When I got home they even said goodnight! And I'm still trying to wrap my head around the thought that they actually told me they love me!

It felt like they were saying goodbye! I wrote in my diary about the night and how it felt like they were up to something, before going to sleep after this crazy night.

3rd person
"This is it!" Fangs said as they pulled up to the house where betty lived.

"Guys I'm getting a call from jug"Toni announced, before taking the call and informing the guys on what he had said.

"Okay let's just get this over with, I've never seen jug this serious about a mission. Which means if we screw up, we're done." Toni said as they nodded.

"There is a ladder right there, we will take that up to her window, and grab her. Fangs you'll cover her mouth, me and sweets will grab her and take her out. We will be leaving through the front door. Any questions?" Toni explained as the boys nodded. "Tape or the cloth?" Fangs asked. "The cloth. Tape over it" Toni said as he nodded.

"Shut up, don't wake her!" Toni whispered harshly to the boys as they entered her room. "On three. One... two....." Toni said before nodding. Fangs first started by shoving the cloth in the girls mouth before putting tape over it. Toni and sweet pea then grabbed her arms with steady grip, considering she had woke up and was kicking. "Stop kicking" sweets said in frustration kneeing the back of her upper thigh as his grip on her arm tightened. Toni also knee'd her thigh in hopes to get her to stop.

They could here muffled screams from her, but nothing too loud. As they exited her room and made it out of the house, Betty was in pure shock.

Which unfortunately for her meant a panic attack was coming, or has even already arrived.

Of course no body could tell because of the cloth, or at least until the beautiful blonde passed out.

published:April 18th

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