'why not?'

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'we are all alone in ways no one understands'

Possible TW:•arguing•language 3rd POV It has been about two weeks since jughead asked out Betty

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Possible TW:
3rd POV
It has been about two weeks since jughead asked out Betty. Things have been great lately between them.

Jughead is at work right now and Betty is in the gym working out. It's a daily routine for her.

"Betty?" She heard a voice from the front room. She panicked a little.

"Betty? Betty darling I'm home" she heard his voice say. Relief washed over her. "I- I'm in here" she yelled.

She went over to the bench taking sips of water as she waited for him to enter. She smiled as his face showed around the corner. "Juggie! Why are you home so early" she smiled walking over to him.

"I guess I just got off early" he smiled. "Oh okay! Before I hug you, I'm gonna go take a shower" she smiled before walking around him and into her room.

He was a little confused on her actions, but just ignored it and went back to his room.

About an hour later he heard a knock. "Come in love" he called from his bed. Betty opened the door in his sweatshirt. His eyebrows raised.

"And where did you get that?" He asked. As she giggled and ran over to the bed. "I got it like two weeks ago but I just recently had to get it again cause I put it in the laundry and it ended back in your room." She smiled laying on his chest. He smiled.

"Mm I see" he chuckled. "Okay well, lovely would you like to go out for dinner or stay in" he asked. She smiled taking a few seconds to think before saying, "stay in"

"Do you not like going out?" He asked. "I love going out, but I'm not really in the mood to get glammed up. Plus, we have that event tomorrow?" She said questioning the end.

He smiled, "the oscars" he said.

Bettys face went pale. "wh-what?" She asked. The Oscars was a huge award show, for celebrities, like big time ones.

"Is everything alright darling?" He asked concerned. She looked at him. "the Oscars? I mean that's like huge. That's like best of the best celebrities!" She exclaimed nervously.

He chuckled "mhm I was quite surprised to receive an invite" he smiled. She looked at him almost astonished.

"But- what about my dress and- and my hair- what am I going to do?!" She ranted clearly stressing out.

"Baby" he cooed kissing her forehead before continuing, "your dress is already made, and the hair and makeup artists are already hired and coming here tomorrow" he smiled. Calming her down. She sighed smiling and snuggling into him trying to give him a hug.

"So do people know you kidnapped me" Betty asked as she cut up her dinner. Jughead glanced at her looking almost angry before going back to his plate.

"There's a side of the business that's hidden and will stay hidden. From what they know I hired you as an assistant but took interest in you so you're now my partner" he said still cutting his food.

She was taken back by his sudden change in mood. This is a very sensitive topic for jughead. A topic he doesn't want Betty to know about. The dark side of his business.

"Oh- ok I'm sorry if you're-" she started before he interrupted. "Sweetheart I'm not mad." He said looking up at her with a smile.

She smiled and nodded. "Okay well change of subject. This might not be the best time but. I know this is a lot to ask and you might say no, but I want a job" she said as his head snapped up at her, "and a phone" she added before mumbling "and a car" but still loud enough for him to hear.

She couldn't really read his expression.

"Uhm- o- alright. Well definitely no job. But I can see about a phone and maybe a car. Do you even know how to drive?" he said

She pouted, "I thought maybe you'd teach me". he sighed. "Of course I will, but no job"

She frowned a little. "Why not?!" She whined referring to the job. He looked back up at her sternly. "First of all I'm not gonna have you out of the house all day, and I don't want people seeing my  girlfriend working" he explained trying to keep calm.

She frowned. "so it's about image" she asked a little hurt. He shrugged. "Jughead I just want to live a normal life. I'm almost 18 for gods sake. And when I am I am going to get a damn job if and where I want" she argued. More annoyed than angry.

He frowned at her. "No elizbeth you aren't. You know why? Because I have provided a great life for you, you live under my roof so I choose when you get a job" jughead said not yelling but staying calm.

"Then I will move out" she yelled knowing how to get under his skin.

His face dropped. He looked hurt. He stayed silent for a moment before anger filling his face. "With what money! you act as if I would even let you. Stop starting fights Elizabeth" he said getting really irritated. "Then stop caring about your image more than you do me" she yelled.

He looked taken back. He wondered if that's how she really feels. If he makes her feel unwanted.

He didn't say anything. "That's what I thought" Betty said storming off to her room jughead following her.

"Don't you dare speak like that to me Elizabeth!" He yelled as she entered her room trying to shut the door but jughead being stronger than her easily opened it.

"Listen. you're not getting a job. Sure I will get you a phone, a car, whatever you'd like just not a job" jughead said trying to calm down. Betty just stared at him. "Why not?" She asked emotionless.

"Because Elizabeth you're mine, and I need you in my supervision at all times" he explained. Before he could say anything else Betty slammed her door in his face.

"I'll see you tomorrow you dck" she said from inside her room as she blocked the handle with a chair.

Jughead almost gasped at her language. "Language Elizabeth" he said sternly.

"What are you gonna do about? Take something away? Oh that's right I have nothing. Pssy!" She said spitting out yet another curse word.

"Elizabeth if you don't shut your mouth I won't give you that car, or a phone. So keep talking I'd like to hear how much you want it" he teased angrily from outside her door.

She didn't say anything. He smirked and walked back to his proud of getting the last word.

She let out a few tears before going to bed.

Jugheads head was full of questions. Why a job? And does she really think he cares more about image than her? He sighed before laying down and drifting off, hoping things will be at least okay tomorrow.

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