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Y/n didn't have much time to think before people charged at her. Luckily for her, she had been training with Toga a lot lately and had even done some fighting with Dabi and Jin. So she was not gonna go down easily. 

Someone came charging at her with long claws, which she dodged just before they clawed at her face. She continued to dodge, punch, dodge, kick and roll to evade the hundreds of attackers that flooded the area. 

After a short while, she got separated from the rest of the league, which made her worried. For even though her combat skills are decent, her quirk is useless in close combat and is much better at keeping people away from her. I won't do much when they're already there. 

"Fuck!" she cursed when she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her thigh. She didn't want to look down, because she knew that when she saw the injury it would hurt more. Ignore it, and you'll forget about it, she thought to herself as she steadied herself to keep fighting. 

She kept fighting her way through the crowd, sending vibrations and rumbles through her feet and into the ground, to prevent people from getting any nearer. She eventually made it to a spot where there weren't as many people, but she saw Jin holding a bloodied Toga and carrying her around looking for a safe place to hide. 

"Jin! Here!" y/n yelled as she saw a tiny shed over by a bigger building. "Take her in there!" she stressed, and once Jin, Toga, and y/n were inside, she closed the door quietly not wanting anyone to know they were there. 

"What the fuck happened?" y/n asked and Jin just stressed while looking around the room. "Long story, but Toga's dying!" "Fuck," y/n cursed, before sitting down next to Toga. "You go out and keep fighting, I'll heal her up and get her out of the city! I will be on the hill where we stood before the fight. Meet me there if all goes well," she instructed, and Jin hesitated for a second before nodding and leaving. 

"Ok, ok... Here we go," y/n muttered to herself, before placing her hands on Toga's face, trying to close off her wounds and speed up the production of blood cells, to get her stable. 

But there was a limit to how much y/n could do in her state, which had started to hurt a lot more now that the adrenaline was wearing off. She still refused to look, but she knew it was bad. 

Shit, I need to get us out of here before I faint from my own injuries, y/n thought to herself as she picked up Toga and made her way out of the shed. Luckily there wasn't anyone fighting outside. Jin must have taken care of that when he left

"Fuck you're heavy," she cursed as she dragged Toga up the hills outside of the city. After what felt like multiple hours of walking, but in reality, was only 30 minutes, y/n carefully placed Toga down on the grass. 

The second she did, she felt herself get dizzy. She made the mistake to look down at her thigh and saw that it was clawed open and that the skin had peeled off the entire front part of her thigh. She could almost see the muscle. There was blood soaking her pant leg and her boot, and her wound was still bleeding. 

I'm gonna pass out, she thought as she sat down and looked out over the city. There was so much happening, thousands of Twice copies running around, Tomura disintegrating a huge tower, and a big dude who were fighting them. Gigantomachia also showed up after a short while, but y/n passed out right after he showed up, so she didn't know what happened after. 

After the battle, Tomura had spoken with Re Destro, and they came to an agreement about taking over the meta liberation army. But Tomura was not really focused on that whole conversation. He was worried about y/n. He didn't see her the entire battle, and she wasn't here. The entire league was there except her and Toga, and it made him worried sick. 

"Where the fuck is y/n and Toga?" Tomura snarled at Jin when the meeting was over. "Toga was dying, and y/n was badly hurt, so I sent them out of town. They should be at the hilltop where we were before the battle," Jin explained, and Tomura was on his way. 

He wasted no time, and when he got to the shed where y/n and Toga had been, he saw a trail of blood leading out of town, and he prayed that it wasn't hers. 

He followed the trail up the hills, and his heartbeat quickened when he saw her lying in a pool of her own blood. "Y/N!" he yelled as he ran over, and looked over her body. She seemed fine, except for her thigh, which looked as if it had been peeled. 

"Help!" he yelled after the rest of the league who had followed close behind Tomura all the way here. "What is it? Oh fuck... SHIT!" Dabi said as he got to the top and noticed y/n's state. "We gotta get her somewhere safe!" he stressed and Tomura looked at y/n for a second before coming up with a plan. "Garaki," Tomura said and quickly contacted the doctor with his little communication device. 

"It's ok y/n, you're gonna be fine," Tomura held y/n close to him as he petted her hair with his right unharmed hand. He silently cried while he held her, feeling her pulse being dangerously low. "I love you," he gripped her tighter as they all became engulfed in black goo, and were teleported back to the hospital. 

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