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The next day y/n woke up in her room, with Toga and Magne snoring beside her mattress. Her face was feeling stiff from all the crying she did yesterday, but she didn't have her cream with her in her room, so she put on her fuzzy socks, her black oversized hoodie, and a pair of black shorts. 

When she was ready, she did one big stretch before slowly opening the door, not wanting to wake them up. She snuck out and walked over to the bigger room where all their stuff was. Apparently, they had gone out to get some essentials when y/n were sleeping yesterday. 

When she got to the room, Kurogiri was walking back and forth in deep thought. "Good morning Kurogiri," she smiled at him, and he turned around to look at her. "Oh, good morning y/n. How are you feeling today?" he asked her as she walked closer. "Good."

"Well, that is good to hear. I apologize for Tomura's behavior," he apologized, but y/n just chuckled. "No it's fine, I understand where he's coming from."

"Are there any food around here?" she asked as she looked around the room to see what they had gotten. "Only snack bars. We're moving today to another base," he explained and y/n went over to get a snack bar from where Kurogiri pointed to. "Oh, yogurt and strawberries!" she smiled as she got her favorite flavor.

"Kurogiri, we need to get started on the move, go..." Tomura said from the hallway but stopped when he saw y/n sitting in the corner munching on her food. "Hi," she smiled at him and he felt himself blush. 

He wasn't used to her seeing him, and he felt awfully vulnerable. "Hi," he responded awkwardly. "But anyway, go wake the others and get them ready," he ordered Kurogiri, which were looking back and forth between Tomura and y/n. 

"So you two are ok with each other now?" he asked and Tomura snarled at him. "Stick your nose in someone else's business," he said before walking over to the food. "Yes master," he said before leaving. 

"Oooh, master," y/n mocked Tomura who got flustered when she called him that. "Don't call me that," he said as he walked over to a table and picked up 'father' and placed it on his face. 

"So that's your villain disguise?" y/n asked curiously, and Tomura nodded. "I don't like to show my face, not even to the league members," he said, but it was really just to hide his flustered face. "It's cool," she complimented, and Tomura thanked the heavens he was wearing father because if she had seen him smile like that, he would have died of embarrassment. 

After a few minutes, Kurogiri came back out with all the other members, who also looked at Tomura and y/n in disbelief. "Oh, you're not hiding from her anymore?" Sako asked and Tomura snarled at him. "Shut the fuck up," he spat, and Dabi looked him over. "Dafuq is your burns?" he asked looking at Tomura's hands. 

He then glared at y/n, who shrank down into her corner, hiding. "You fucking healed him? He deserved it for the way he's been acting," he sighed and walked over to the wall. "Bet you liked being touched by her. Feels good, doesn't it? Being healed by y/n? It's like a drug, the euphoric high," Dabi said in a suggestive tone, looking at Tomura. "Or don't you agree, Shiggy?" he asked using the nickname Toga sometimes uses. 

Tomura walked closer to where Dabi was leaning against the wall and grabbed his shirt. "You fucking shut the hell up, or I'm gonna show you how it feels when I touch you," he snarled at Dabi.

They heard chuckling from the corner and looked over to see y/n hiding her face in her hoodie, almost dying of laughter. "What's up with you?" Tomura asked, and y/n lost it, laughing so much her eyes spilled with tears. "That sounds so wrong," she said looking at Tomura, and Dabi snickered a little when he got the joke.

"Anyway, shall we get going?" Kurogiri asked and Tomura let go of Dabi before walking over to Kurogiri. "We've found an old abandoned building not too far from our old place, where we'll be staying. It has rooms for everyone, a kitchen and a lounge area. Almost identical to the bar," Tomura explained, and Toga squealed happily. 

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