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After a day or two, Toga and Jin got back from their mission, after having helped the heroes take down the Shie Hassaikai. "Ok, we move now," Tomura said and everyone got ready to warp to their HQ to look for the drug. Toga and Jin knew where Overhaul had his little research lab, so they would lead the way.

When they got there, there wasn't a single soul around, but they could hear a lot of noise coming from outside. "Well, the fight just ended, so it's probably the heroes dealing with the aftermath," Jin explained as they walked down a long corridor. "It's right around this corner," he said but as they turned the corner, they ran into some heroes. 

"Oh come on," Tomura groaned as he got ready to fight, but Toga placed her hand on his shoulder. "Sako and I will take care of them, you three go get the drug," she said and Tomura nodded. 

"Don't die," he told them as they started attacking the heroes, giving Jin, Dabi, and Tomura room to run past them. "In here!" Jin said as he opened a door. "Shit, this place is huge, how the fuck are we gonna find it?" Dabi groaned as he walked inside. 

"Well, if I were to guess, I would say it was in this box," Jin said pointing to a box labeled "Y/n healing". "Nice," Dabi said opening the box, finding vials of red liquid and a syringe. "That dude is fucking sick in the head," Dabi said before closing the box and placing it in his jacket.

"Now, I think we should visit Overhaul and thank him for the drug," Tomura smirked. They went out to get Toga and Sako, who had easily taken down the heroes, and they went back home. Tomura rushed up the stairs and into his room, where he found y/n sweating. "Fuck it's warm in here, are you having a fever?" he asked and y/n simply nodded.

"Well, we got the healing drug thing that he made, let's cross out fingers it will work," Tomura said as Sako opened the box and filled the syringe. Dabi was downstairs explaining everything that had happened to Jin and Toga, who were shocked. Y/n seemed fine when they saw her before she went back home. 

"Here goes nothing," Sako said as he inserted the syringe into her arm, careful not to touch the bone, afraid it would break. Y/n gritted her teeth in discomfort, but Tomura quickly grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it comfortingly. 

"How are you feeling?" Sako asked as he pulled the syringe out from her skin. "I feel good, almost high," she said as she leaned back in the bed. "My body doesn't hurt," she smiled. "Well that's a good sign, isn't it?" Tomura asked and she nodded. "Do you wanna try to stand up?" Sako asked and she nodded. 

Tomura held onto her as she carefully got to the edge of the bed, and she leaned on him as she slowly stood up. Her legs were shaky and unstable, but that quickly disappeared as she started walking. "It worked," Dabi said relieved from the doorway. Y/n looked at him and smiled.

"Now, we'll be right back, we're just gonna go pay Overhaul a visit," Tomura said as he let go of her. "Oh, can I come? I wanna have a few words with him myself," she asked and Tomura looked at her hesitantly. "Are you sure you're feeling well enough?" he asked and y/n laughed. "It's my quirk, and my quirk has immediate effect. I'm fine, I'm just gonna change. My clothes are all sweaty," she said before walking to her room.

The others went down to the lounge to wait. "You should tell her how you feel you know," Dabi said and Tomura glared at him. "I just got her back, I'm not gonna shove that in her face, she almost died, she might die for real if I do that," he said and Dabi snickered. "Making jokes now? Damn." "Fuck you," Tomura said before they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"I thought this was kinda cool," y/n said as she walked down the stairs, wearing her costume and carrying a bullwhip. "Where the fuck did you get that?" Tomura asked staring at the long whip hanging from her hip. "Watch out Tomura, she's gonna whip you," Dabi laughed his ass off. 

"I found it lying around somewhere, in a store, and decided it would be kinda fun to try and use it. You know, it's good if someone is trying to get away from a fight, or I don't know. Just thought it was cool," she smiled. "I also have a gun, so don't worry about it." 

"Ok, you ready?" he asked before Kurogiri warped them to the back of a car they were hijacking. Y/n sat patiently in the back of the van, while the others worked on getting rid of the 'obstacles'. Dabi killed the hero, Tomura stopped the car and Sako went over and took one of Overhaul's arms. 

Y/n jumped out of the van, cracking her whip against the asphalt, while she walked closer to Overhaul. "Thanks for the healing drugs, it's saved my life actually," y/n said as she lifted her arm, and brought the whip down on his torso. Overhaul screamed in pain, as his shirt turned red from the fresh wound. 

"I just thought I would say thanks," she said as she brought it down again. "So, thanks," she brought the whip down one more time before dropping the whip and walking over to him. "Hi," she said when he could see her. She kicked his face hard, causing a tooth to fly out of his mouth.

"I really do want to thank you though, I used to be so shy, terrified of what others thought of me. Scared to stand up for me. But almost dying, made me realize that I can't live my life like this. It's like someone flipped a switch in my head, and unfortunately for you, this means that I have no hesitation," she said grabbing her gun and loading it, "when it comes to fucking you up," she said as she shot him in the remaining arm.

"Fuck you," she said before picking up her whip and walking back to the van. Tomura looked at her completely lost for words, and Dabi let out a long whistle. "That was fucking hot," Dabi said and Tomura glared at him. Tomura disintegrated Overhaul's arm, and they all left him there as they went back home. 

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