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None of them knew what to do in that situation, so they both stood still as statues staring at each other. Y/n acted on autopilot and slowly reached her hand out to touch Tomura's face, but he flinched away before she got too close. "I'm sorry," she said as she pulled her hand back to herself, and looked Tomura deep into his eyes. 

"You have pretty eyes," she said and he didn't move or say anything. He just stood there staring at y/n, afraid that he would do or say something wrong. He had to admit, he was mesmerized by her, he didn't remember her looking this good. Her h/c hair and her e/c eyes. He wanted to reach out and pull her into a hug, but he knew he couldn't do that. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she spoke softly as she looked down to the pile of dust where the door used to be. "I," he stuttered and she punched him in the arm. Hard.

"You're still an idiot!" she yelled at him again. He totally had forgotten all about her being angry at him. "Why the fuck am I an idiot?" he asked and she just laughed. "You fucking talk to me online, making me believe we're friends, and then you even save me when I fucked up and killed my father, and you ignore me? You don't tell me anything about who you or your friends are, you hide from me and you ignore me online as well," she yelled at him, tears forming again. 

"I thought we were friends, why would you do that to me, I was shocked after the incident, I still am shocked and confused about myself and everything around me, and then you take away the one thing that makes me happy," she was now rapidly throwing punches at his chest, which he just took. He deserved it. 

"I'm sorry," he simply responded. He knew that he fucked up. Kurogiri had constantly come into Tomura's room to yell at him and tell him how much he fucked up, but he didn't do anything about it. 

"I was scared you were gonna leave me," he said and y/n laughed again. "Fucking idiot, why would I do that?" she asked and he looked down at the floor. "Because I am a criminal, and I have a dangerous quirk that could easily kill you on the spot, and... look at me," he mumbled the last part as he felt his eyes water a little too. 

"What?" she asked, not hearing what he said. "I said look at me! I am disgusting to look at!" he screamed in y/n's face and she flinched. "The only thing disgusting about you Tomura is that you would think I was such a shallow person," she said quietly as she turned around. She was hurt that he thought of her that way.

"I actually think you look beautiful, in your own way," she said before walking back to the room where everyone else was at. Tomura stood in the doorway for a few minutes in silence, thinking about y/n's words. She thinks I'm beautiful? he thought as he looked down the hallway where she went. "Fuck," he said as he walked inside his room again and scratched his neck again. 

His anger took over and he started grabbing things and throwing them around the room. All for One was captured, their old hideout was ruined, he had completely broken the trust y/n had in him, and everything was just going shit for him. 

Y/n had gone back into the bigger room where the other members were gathered, and Toga quickly ran over to y/n. "What happened, I felt the ground rumble and we heard you and Tomura scream at each other," she asked concerned. "Are you crying?" she asked as she got a closer look at y/n's tear-filled eyes. She broke down again, falling to her knees crying. 

"That fucker," Dabi spat as he went over to the door leading to the hallway, and marched straight to Tomura's room. Y/n didn't care what he did, she felt so hallow and broken after Tomura's words. That he thought of her as nothing more than a shallow person who would leave him for such stupid things. 

Toga and Magne held the crying y/n, while you could hear Dabi and Tomura scream at each other in the distance. 

"Tell them to stop, please," y/n begged as she looked over to Kurogiri. "Are you sure?" he asked and y/n nodded. "I know that his behavior comes from self-doubt and his low self-esteem. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but he doesn't deserve to be yelled at for his insecurities," she spoke and Kurogiri nodded, before walking towards the fight. 

"Y/n, what did he say to you to make you this upset?" Magne asked while rubbing y/n's back comfortingly. "He said he ignored me because he was scared I would leave him because he's a criminal and the way he looks. And his quirk. As if I was some shallow person," she explained as she sniffled. 

"Would you like to go rest a little in our room?" Toga asked and y/n nodded. They both helped support y/n's weak body while taking her out into the hallway, where she saw Kurogiri, Dabi, and Tomura talk outside his door. 

They locked eyes for a second, and Tomura felt his heartbreak when he saw the state he had put y/n in. When she got into her room, they helped her cuddle up on the mattress on the floor. "We're gonna go discuss our future plans with Kurogiri and stuff, but you know where to find us if you need us," Toga explained and y/n nodded.

"Thank you," she said quietly before they closed the door, leaving her alone in the darkness. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

But soon enough she woke up to someone knocking on her door. She slowly stood up, wrapping her blanket around herself for comfort before she walked over and opened the door, to reveal Tomura standing there. He had a black eye and his arms were burned badly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I never meant to hurt you the way I did, I just wanted to protect myself," he explained himself. He looked stressed, his hand automatically going up to scratch his neck again, which was already bleeding badly.

"Come inside," she said as she moved aside to let him in. "I shouldn't, I..." "Tomura Shigaraki, come inside," she said again more sternly. He walked inside and stood there looking at her, wondering what she was going to say.

She reached out to touch his arm, but he flinched again. "Calm down, I'm not gonna touch your hands," she reassured him. She tried again to reach for his arms, and this time he didn't flinch. He did flinch when she placed her palms on his skin though, both at the pain from the burns, but also because he couldn't remember the last time he was even touched with care. 

Y/n sent her quirk flowing into his arms, both soothing the stinging from the burns as well as healing them up. Tomura stood still as a statue, reveling in the feeling of euphoria that washed over him. Never in his life had he felt calm like this. 

She then moved her hands up to his neck, and for a second Tomura thought she was going to strangle him, but she gently placed her palms on his bloody scratch marks and sent her quirk flowing onto his skin again. Tomura felt so good he could cry.

"Why are you helping me, I don't deserve this at all," he spoke softly as he looked into y/n's eyes. "You don't deserve to be so stressed and lonely, you deserve love and care," she explained before backing away from him. 

Tomura immediately missed the warm feeling radiating from her body but didn't say anything. "I... I gotta go plan our next move with the others, you should rest. Sorry for being an asshole, I'll try to be a better friend," he said before opening the door. 

"And if you tell anyone about me crying, I'll kill you," he snarled, and y/n laughed at him. "Sure you will Shiggy," she smiled and he glared at her before leaving. 

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