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When y/n woke up, she was in a cold room that smelled like moist concrete and mold. She groaned as she tried to sit up, but her body was too sore to move. "Y/n," Jin yelled as he ran over and helped her sit up. "Where are we?" she asked as she looked around. It seemed to an old warehouse, and almost everyone was here. Everyone except Tomura of course.  

They found us, and our hideout was destroyed so we needed to find a new place. We're staying here for now, but it's just temporary," he explained to her. "Y/n, we need to talk with you," Sako said as he walked over and sat down on a chair he had brought over with him. Everyone else was standing behind him, Except Dabi and Kurogiri who were lying on couches in the room, resting. 

"Ok, what is it?" she asked watching them all eying her as if she were gonna die on the spot. 

"Everyone here, we're part of the infamous group The League of Villains," Sako explained and y/n smiled. "Oh, I knew that already," she said and everyone looked shocked. "You did? Since when?" Jin asked and y/n chuckled to herself. "Since you were all on the news after you kidnaped Bakugo," she explained.

"And you weren't scared, disgusted or anything of the sorts?" Sako asked and y/n shook her head. "Why would I be? I mean I was a little offended at first, that you all kept it a secret from me, because I used to feel like I was putting you all in danger or that I was a burden because the police were looking for me and all, and if I'd known that they were also looking for you, if not more than me, I would have felt better about it," she gave them all a stern scolding look and they laughed a little. 

"Well that's good to hear," Sako smiled and looked over at Dabi who was groaning as he sat up. "We were just holding it back from you because we really liked having you with us, and we were scared you were gonna be intimidated or scared of us and leave," Toga explained and everything clicked in y/n's brain. 

That's what Tomura meant when he said he was scared she would leave, she realized and a frown formed on her face. "Where are we all sleeping?" y/n asked and Toga grinned at her. "We're sharing a room!" she jumped up and down. "Yeah, there's limited space for sleeping here, so while we're here, the boys will sleep in one room, and the girls will sleep in another. Tomura has his own space, for obvious reasons," Sako explained and y/n nodded. 

"I suppose all of our stuff was destroyed back home?" y/n asked and Jin looked at her puzzled. "Home?" he asked and y/n looked at him. "Yes, our old hideout?" she explained. "You thought of that as your home?" Sako then asked her. "Well yeah, didn't you?" "I don't know, I never thought much about what it meant to have a home," Sako admitted and y/n nodded in understanding.

"I get what you mean. Back when I was living with my father, I used to refer to it as my home, but when I started staying with you guys, I realized that a home is a place where you feel safe, and where you are surrounded by your family," she smiled at everyone. "I consider you all my family. Even Tomura, even though he ignores me," she laughed. 

"Even now, when you know who we all really are and what we've all done?" Jin added and y/n shrugged her shoulders. "Not my business what you do in your spare time," she said and everyone laughed. 

After a few seconds of awkward silence, y/n spoke up. "Where is Tomura now?" she asked and Sako looked around the warehouse. "I'm not sure, I think he's in his room. It's out that door, down the hall and the last door to the left," Sako explained. "Do you think he wants to see you?" Sako asked her. "I just need to tell him something. He doesn't need to see me," she smiled as she walked over to the door. 

"Down the hall, and the last door to the left," she spoke to herself as she walked. When she got there, she carefully knocked on the door, feeling a lump form in her throat. "Tomura?" she asked through the door. She heard shuffling inside, but he didn't respond. 

Tomura was sitting on his mattress thinking about everything that happened in the last few hours, and he was feeling overwhelmed. When the knock on the door came, he knew it was y/n. She was probably here to tell him that she knows who he is and that she wants nothing to do with him anymore. He didn't answer her. 

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. A little sore, but I'm fine," she spoke from behind the door. Tomura was relieved that at least he didn't cause her any harm due to his failure. 

"And I know everything, you know. The league of villains. And you," she then said. Tomura felt like he wanted to throw up. 

"Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the league of villains," she added and Tomura was scratching his neck violently, causing blood to cake under his nails. 

"I've known for a few days actually. I am offended that you didn't tell me. You're an idiot," she said as he heard her slam her head on the door. 

"Thinking I would leave you if I found out. Stupid," she cried. She cried because of him. "Do you think I'm that shallow? Do you think I'm some scared little girl who would be scared of someone just because they've killed people?" she was yelling now. Tomura was walking closer to the door, shaking. His hands were shaking.

"I've killed people? Are you scared of me? No, so stop being an idiot!" she banged her hand hard against the door. "I would have been there for you. Perhaps made this pressure you have on your shoulders feel just a little lighter. That's what friends are for, right? But I guess I was too naive. You never really wanted anything to do with me did you, that's why you ignored me. I was getting too attached. Too annoying," she cried. "Well I'm not scared of you, I'm fucking pissed at you," she yelled. 

Tomura was now right in front of his door, four fingers pressed against the metal. "FUCK YOU TOMURA, FUCK YOU!!" she screamed and Tomura felt the ground shake. The fuck, he thought as he stumbled forwards, falling onto the door. 

He put his hand on the door to not crash straight into it but realized his mistake when he noticed all five fingers on the door, as the door started to disintegrate. And before he could do anything, he stood there right in front of y/n. 

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