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"I want the psycho girl, the dude in the mask and the cloud," Overhaul said to Tomura when they were in a meeting regarding their deal a week after they first met. Tomura had talked with Kurogiri about what y/n had said, and Kurogiri seemed to agree that it was a good plan. Now Tomura just had to figure out what Overhaul wanted from them. "You can have the two others, but I'm not lending you Kurogiri," Tomura said seriously as he glared at Overhaul. 

"Fine, but I'm taking something to ensure you don't betray me," he said as he nodded to his men who walked over to where Tomura was sitting. "What, no you won't," he said, but he was too late. 

They had grabbed y/n by her arms and were dragging her over to Overhaul, before taping her mouth shut. "I've noticed this one sitting close to you, is she your girlfriend? Well, doesn't really matter, I'm keeping her until the attack is over," he said before Tomura stood up and walked over to him, joined by Toga and Dabi. "Oooh, careful now, you're not the only one who causes death when touching someone," Overhaul said as he removed his glove and waved his hand in front of Tomura teasingly. 

"Fuck you, you pissbucket," Dabi spat and Overhaul laughed. Y/n was wiggling and kicking trying to get away from the men holding her but to no avail. "I'll see you two," he said pointing to Jin and Toga, "in a week," he smiled. Before he left. Y/n looked at Tomura with pleading eyes, which were filling with tears. 

"Hold on, I'll come for you," Tomura said to her, his voice dripping with venom.

When Overhaul had left, Tomura screamed in anger, kicking all the furniture around in the lounge and punching the wall until his fists bled. "We'll get her back, that plague will not lay a single finger on her," Dabi said trying to calm Tomura down. He was just as pissed, he just kept it inside himself. 

Tomura walked up to his room and kicked the door closed before he broke down on the floor. He sobbed as he slid down the door and leaned his head back against it. How could she lay sleeping on my shoulder one day, and then a week later being dragged away from me by my enemy

What was he supposed to do now, the league couldn't take down the entire Shie Hassaikai by themselves, and he didn't have All for One to help him either. Fuck, he was fucked. 

Outside their hideout, y/n was being dragged into a car blindfolded. She felt something hit her head hard, and then she blacked out. 

She woke up later in a white room, sitting on a cold metal chair. Strapped to a cold metal chair. "Where the fuck am I?" she asked trying to rip her hands-free from the restraints. "Oh, never mind that, I have something to ask you," Overhaul asked as he walked into her view. "Fuck you Overhaul," she spat at him. "Call me Kai, but listen, y/n, I thought you were just some bitch Tomura picked of the streets, but nooo, you're y/n," he chuckled as he pulled a chair from the table over to y/n and sat down facing her. 

"You killed your father, didn't you? Sliced his neck open?" he asked and y/n snorted. "I shot him in the neck, thank you very much," she corrected him. "Oh, I knew you killed him. You see, the police think someone broke in, killed him, and kidnapped you since they also found your blood at the crime scene," Kai explained. Really?

"But I knew that was bullshit, and I was right. So, your quirk, what does it do?" he asked and y/n snickered. "As if I'd tell you?" "You will actually," he said and someone walked into the room. "What is your quirk?" someone asked her as they stepped in front of her. 

"I can heal others, and soothe pain and discomfort. I can also cause vibrations in the ground, depending on my mood, but I've only done it once," she answered on autopilot. "Oh, that's useful, I'm gonna run experiments on you while you're here," Kai stated and y/n felt her blood run cold. 

"You see, I'm making quirk erasing bullets from the blood of a sweet little girl, with a very useful quirk! So maybe I can make a healing serum or something of the sort from your blood and tissue," he explained before leaving the room. "I'll be back for you shortly, I have to make our time together most efficient." 

Back at the hideout, everyone was uneasy and angry. "I fucking brought her here so she could feel safe, and then I get her kidnapped by a psycho, who knows what he's doing to her!" Tomura spat as he paced back and forth, the other members following him with their gaze. 

"Jin and I will get her back when we go there shortly, you just have to trust us. We love her just as much as you do," Toga said trying to comfort Tomura. "I don't fucking love her, I just feel responsible!" he spat and Toga lifted her hands in surrender. 

"Listen, she's a strong person, she'll be ok," Kurogiri said. "That's the thing, she's not fucking strong! She may act all fine on the outside, but her inside is breaking," Tomura said before sitting down against the wall. "I'm such a fucking idiot, I don't deserve to have her around me." "What do you mean?" Toga asked him, careful not to trigger him again. 

"She trusted me with her emotions and her safety, and look where that got her. I fucking ignored her for weeks, I then got her kidnapped." 

"I know this might not be the right time, but y/n made something for you before we met with Overhaul the first time, I suppose she forgot about it when everything happened, but I'm sure she would want you to have them now," Toga explained before walking up to y/n's room to get the gloves she made for him.

"She made you these, so you wouldn't be scared of touching her or disintegrating stuff," she explained and Tomura carefully took the gloves from Toga. He just stared at them in silence for a while, while the others quietly left the room to give him some privacy. 

Then he broke down again. 

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