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"I don't wanna fight you y/n, I came to save you. I thought you were being held hostage. When you called me, you sounded scared," Mirio spoke. "I was scared. Scared that you wouldn't listen to me, or scared that I had hurt your feelings. That was never my intention. I really am incredibly grateful that you've been there for me, the same goes for Tamaki. I just had to get away. I wasn't happy," she explained, but Mirio just didn't understand. 

"But their villains y/n, they're dangerous and evil!" "No, they're not! My father was dangerous and evil. He beat me regularly, forced me to do everything for him, and still beat me when I did! These people never laid a finger on me, they've protected me, given me emotional support as well as helped me see what a strong and independent woman I am!"

"All he ever did was break me down, all they've ever done is lift me up!" she yelled defending her family. "They've done more for me these past months than anyone else has ever done my entire life. I will not let them down, please just leave us alone," she begged him, not wanting to fight him or Tamaki. 

"Sure, I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry we all let you down, I..." he held back tears. "I'm sorry," he walked out of the door, leaving the other heroes to fight the villains on their own. He was too broken to fight. 

"Calling myself LeMillion, but can't even save my best friend, what a fucking joke," Mirio cried while punching the wall outside the battle. 

Inside, Kurogiri had created a warp gate over by the stairs for them all to escape through. "Quickly, get through! Though let any of the heroes get through!" Dabi yelled as they all jumped through the gate, landing in front of an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. 

The warp gate closed just in time before the heroes got through. "Fucking unbelievable," Tomura cursed kicking a stone on the ground. "Where are we?" Toga asked looking around. "Idk, somewhere deserted," Kurogiri explained. "Now you all go to that house there and get some rest and food. There should be some food there, but you'll need to get some more," he explained. 

"What about you? Can't you just warp somewhere and get us food?" Dabi asked eyeing Kurogiri with suspicion. "I need to take care of some things, so you will have to manage without me."

"Tsk, I'm tired," Tomura grunted before starting to walk towards the little house. Y/n looked at the others before following Tomura inside. "This is tiny, are there sleeping spaces enough for everyone?" she asked him. "I think there's only one bedroom and a bathroom upstairs, so they'll have to sleep down here," he stated before walking upstairs. 

"You coming?" he asked and y/n raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so I'm sleeping with you in the room?" she felt a little stupid not realizing that sooner. They did have a thing or something going on, so it made sense. 

"Of course, I'm not letting you sleep down here with those pigs," he snorted before walking all the way up the stairs. Y/n knew that even though he called them pigs, he still loved them very much. 

"Ok," she smiled, following him. "It's dusty here, you must feel right at home," y/n joked. Tomura only looked at her, while she was trying to hold back a laugh. "That was a terrible joke," he said before quickly turning around, hiding the small smile on his face. "I saw that smile," y/n chuckled before hugging Tomura from behind.

"You're kinda adorable when you try to be all tough around me. I know you're a softy," she said while her face was pressed onto his back. "Yeah yeah, tell that to anyone and I will dust you," he said before opening the door that he assumed led to the bedroom. 

"I'm sorry," y/n said as she walked in and sat on the bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Why?" "Because the heroes only came because of me. Mirio brought them, and my father was there. It's all because of me, I put you all in danger," she muttered, avoiding eye contact with Tomura. 

"That's bullshit, you tried to get him off your track, you wouldn't know he would do the opposite," Tomura sat down next to her. "But some of you could have died, or gotten hurt." "But we didn't. And you got to kill your father again, for real this time," he pulled her into his embrace. Y/n flinched at first, but relaxed when she saw he had put his gloves on again.

"You're fucking stupid. Did you think I would touch you without the gloves?" Tomura faked being offended, and y/n smiled lightly punching him in the shoulder. "Shut up," she smiled. 

"I love you," he said pulling her down to lie her head on his chest. "I love you too," she said closing her eyes and snuggling up to him. 

The door downstairs opened and everyone walked inside. "Fucking Tomura took the only bedroom, so we have to sleep down here, on the floor. Of course," they heard Dabi complain downstairs. 

"And when were you going to tell me you had two quirks?" Tomura asked y/n after they had calmed down a little downstairs. "I didn't know until now. I did have my suspicions a while back when we first saw each other face to face. Remember? I yelled as you so the ground shook." "I didn't know that was you," Tomura spoke softly.

"Me neither, but I realized after a while. I could feel it inside, building."

"I'm glad you've gotten so strong, both physically and mentally. It makes everything easier for me," Tomura said while looking up at the ceiling, y/n's head resting comfortably on his chest. "What do you mean?" she asked sitting up to look at him. 

"I've hurt people I loved, and I lost everything. All I've ever done is destroy, and I don't wanna destroy you. So knowing that you're who you are and that you are capable of the things you do makes me feel safer. You're not scared of me or my quirk and you've never once thought bad of me."

"How can I think bad of someone so cute as you?" y/n smiled lying down pulling his head to rest on her chest. 

"I was so scared you would be scared of me. I know I've explained this before, but you have no idea how relieved I felt when you saw me for the first time and only looked at me with love," he said holding back tears as if he would die.

"You can cry you know," y/n said softly, placing her hand on his head. "No, I can't be weak," he protested. "You can be weak when you're with me. You can be as weak as you want, I will always be here to protect you when you're weak."

Tomura broke down crying into y/n's chest, while she ran her hand through his hair comfortingly. They stayed like that until they both fell asleep wrapped tightly in each other's arms. 

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