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The room was spinning due to y/n having cried so hard. She slowly sat up from her bed and looked around the dark room. Her father was still sitting downstairs drinking, so she had to find something to fill the time. She slowly made her way over to her desk, to pick up her Nintendo switch. When she got back into bed, she snuggled up with the pillows and blankets on the bed and started up Animal Crossing. She had just bought it a few weeks ago, and her island was barely starting to come together. She had been trying so hard to get all the fruits on her island, but she never managed to find the cherries. She was starting to get frustrated and decided to go visit another island to get inspiration. 

She went online to look for island codes, and when she found one she found interesting, she typed it in and pressed enter. She got to an island that was full of stuff everywhere, it was on the edge of being messy. She walked around the island looking at all the stuff when the owner came walking up to her. They were called CrustyBoy, and had light blue hair and a black hoodie on. "Who are you?" he wrote in his little chatbox. "I'm ShyGuy, obviously!XD" she answered. ShyGuy was her name in Animal Crossing. He ran around her a couple of times before stopping to type another message. "As in Super Mario?" he asked. "Yeah," she responded. 

Y/n kept running around the island looking at CrustBoy's stuff. "Shit, you have a gold rose?" she asked impressed. "Yeah, got it a week ago," he responded. "And you've got all the fruits?" she fawned over how far he had gotten on his island. "Yeah, haven't you?" he asked her. "No, I'm missing the cherries," she explained and he just started running around her again. 

"Can I add you as a friend on the switch?" he asked, and y/n made her character show a thumbs up. "Yeah, my name is the same as here, just 666 at the end. So ShyGuy666," she explained. "Ok, I'll add you later. Can I see your island?" he asked and y/n thought about it. "Sure, but don't laugh. I only started playing a few weeks ago," she said and he nodded. 

She gave him the code to her island, and he soon arrived at her airport. He walked around the island a little and y/n followed after him. "It's impressive if you've only played for a few weeks. My island took me months to get to where it is now," he said and y/n felt warm inside. She wasn't used to people praising her for her achievements. "Thank you," she responded and he ran around her a few times. 

"Do you play anything else than AC?" he asked her. "Yeah, I mostly play MMORPG games and MOBA's but I also like puzzle games. Gotta train my brain you know," she wrote and he stood still for a while, responding to her. "Yeah me too. I also play adventure games a lot, it's relaxing," he said. "Nice," y/n said before listening to see if she could hear her father downstairs. "Brb," she wrote before walking towards her door and peaking outside. 

"Wow, you're leaving me," he wrote when she got back to her switch. "Haha, you're funny. I gotta go, I need to clean the house," y/n wrote and CrustyBoy pouted. "At 11 at night?" "Yeah, don't ask," she responded. "Bye though, it was fun playing with you! I'll talk to you later?" she asked and he nodded. She then saved her world and turned off her switch. She put on her fuzzy socks, slippers, and made her way quietly downstairs to clean the living room. 

After cleaning for two hours, y/n was exhausted, and her body was hurting from bending down so much. She limped back upstairs, plopping back down on her bed. She picked up her switch and checked her friend notifications and accepted the request from CrustyCrackerFuXx. What a weird name, she thought to herself as she opened the chatbox. 

ShyGuy666: Hey CrustyCrackerFuXx, what's up with the name?
CrustyCrackerFuXx: A friend of mine picked it. I almost killed them after I saw it.
ShyGuy666: Daaaaamn, sounds dramatic! XD
CrustyCrackerFuXx: Not really, they're stupid. I think they only have half a brain tbh. 
CrustyCrackerFuXx: How did the cleaning go btw? You were gone for two hours.
ShyGuy666: Awe, you counted the hours? Miss me? XD
CrustyCrackerFuXx: Fuck you...
ShyGuy666: *kiss*
ShyGuy666: I gotta go though, I'm hella tired. Cleaning is exhausting ya know. I'm logging on tomorrow around 1 pm if you wanna chat, or you could add me on steam. Same name :)
CrustyCrackerFuXx: Sure, see ya
ShyGuy666: See yaaaa!!

Before she went to bed she just quickly logged onto her AC island to check if the villagers have any recipes to share. But when she got online, she saw that she had mail. She opened the mail and saw that she had received a gift from CrustBuy. A cherry. Y/n smiled to herself as she logged off and went to bed. Yeesss now I have all the fruits! she thought as she fell asleep. 

Rose (Shigaraki x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now