The purple haired seemed to be surprised that Kuuga didn't even get fazed.

Kuuga: (blankly) "Because all I heard is someone who didn't pass because there are more people better than them. Honestly, I find it so childish for a U.A student. Declaring war on other courses? You need to grow up, all of you. Oh, and why are you only declaring war on our class specifically, Class 1-B exists you know? How about you declare war on them as well?"

Kuuga and The Purple haired boy glared at each other when one more person entered the commotion.

Silver guy: "Hey, hey! I'm from class B next door! I heard you fought against villains, so I came to hear 'bout it! Don't get so full of yourself!"

Kuuga: "Oh? You want to hear about us fighting villains? Let me tell you, do you really think being ambushed by villains when doing a Hero School activity is something for us to be proud of? We aren't doing anything to any of you, and you all suddenly came up to our room like we're some celebrity and begin declaring war and other rants. None of us can care less about what you're saying, because we wish to perform our very best. In fact, I think all of you here who are blocking our way are the ones getting full of themselves. Like wasting their crucial time to train, but was replaced by going to Class 1-A's room, watching us and begin throwing random words that I could care less about. None of us in this room have that time to waste because the sports festival is near. Now move aside because you just destroyed my mood. I tried talking in a professional way to all of you, but it was returned by pure unprofessionalism. I expected more from other U.A students, what a let down."

Kuuga brushes past the crowd, releasing Bakugo who is slowly getting up. The silver looking guy weaves through the crowd and grabs Kuuga's shoulder.

Silver guy: (raises fist) "Hey-!"

Black mist suddenly surrounded the silver guy's arm and fist as Kuuga turned his head to face him, revealing his glowing purple eyes.

Kuuga: "My mist can tighten its grip and can snap the strongest materials if it wants to. I don't want to be doing that, it's villain-like, but try and throw a punch at me again, and I will be forced to do such actions. Don't bring your lack of class near me, it's annoying."

The crowd sweat drops as the silver guy shakingly takes a step back as Kuuga sighs annoyingly and walks away.

Kirishima: "O-Oi, Kiriu!!"

Bakugo got up with an angry huff and proceeded to walk out of the room.

Kirishima: "Wait a minute, Bakugo, where are you going?!"

Bakugo: "It doesn't matter."

Kirishima: "Huh?!"

Bakugo: "It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top."

Bakugo takes his leave as Kirishima clenches his fist as a japanese tidal wave art appears as his background.

Kirishima: "That's so simple and manly! Those two..."


For the remaining two weeks, the class focused on preparing their bodies, mental health, and quirks for the incoming U.A Sports festival.

Kuuga focused on enhancing his quirk endurance by making huge mist barriers, restraining strategies, and mist distance productions. He also practiced producing his mist on hotter areas to enhance the mist's strength in maintaining its form or even existing in such temperatures. This, of course, ended up with multiple blood-stained napkins and eye drop bottles, but in return of a highly enhanced quirk with him being able to produce thick mists on a distance that can cover the entire building of U.A easily.

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