Chapter 13

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Morning had come and thus the time for their goodbyes. They hugged before allowing each other to let go, the wanderer standing on the beach as they began to paddle away.

The blond watched the kid wave at him with uncertainty before finally blurting out


"What?" Little Cato looked at the human questionably

"My name is Gary!" Gary shouted, trying to be louder in case the other didn't listen.
Little Cato seemed to brighten up from afar,  a wide smile on his face as he turned to look at his dad with excitement before back at the human on the beach

"Gary what?"

"Just Gary!" Was the reply as Gary grinned, he wasn't necessarily hiding his family name or anything- he simply didn't know it.

"Okay- Bye Gary!" The boy began to wave rapidly, nearly falling in the water before his father quickly caught him by the back of his neck

"Bye Little Cato!" The blond laughed, waving at them as well with a soft smile. He hoped Little Cato and his crew (including his father as much as he hated him) would continue to have great adventures. They had somethings special that Gary hadn't... and that was each other.

Little Cato kept waving until Gary had become too small to see his wave and had turned away and disappeared into the bushes surrounding the beach. He recalled the time they had met, the stories Gary told and how kind the man was... odd thing you'd find when you're a pirate but after meeting the human, Little Cato felt yearning to see more than he already had- new found curiosity and hunger for adventure.

"I'm going to miss him" he sighed with a smile, turning back to his father and sitting down properly

Captain Bartolomew watched the farewell with intrest, he had thought his son would be quite upset but he seems to be dealing with this quite well...then again- it's not like they were killing or handing the Gary in so it was probably an improvement.
Gary.... Gary Gary Gary- such a...normal name for such an abnormal man. As much as it pained him, Avocato knew the blond would be something he'd remember and perhaps talk about in the future while drinking with his mates, laughing at the bold words the blond used against him and that demanding and honest personality that would have certainly killed him had it not been Bartolomew.

The sea was tranquil from morning to noon, sun shining brightly, warming the others to the point they had to take small breaks just to spash some cool water onthemselves.

Meanwhile, the blond human made his way into a small village near the beach in Texas, digging in his pocket and feeling the necklace made of pearls in it that he had managed to steal without the other's noticing- he needed a way to survive after all.
He felt himself shrink as he passed by some people that sat upon their portch, cigars lit in hand as they blew off steam, glaring at the putsider with suspicion.
Well... this would be hard...

Looking around, Gary rushed into a 'bank'. It was old and the white wood that had been painted was breaking up but it wpuld do the job.
He didn't need to say anything when he placed the necklace on the table and the short man, with a comically large hat, lifted his unibrow at it and inspected it. He didn't need to say anything but even so he did

"Oh my titans- your mustache is so big, can I touch it?" He admired, making the man look up before letting out a bark of laughter, expression softening ever so slightly

"Tell me, son- where did you get this?" He said with a heavy accent as he turned around and began to dig for something, not noticing the blond twitch under the word 'son'- a thing he did not like to be called

"My mother..." Gary faked a sad voice "it was passed down to her but she passed away not long ago....and I do need the cash" he sighed

"Ah..." the man looked back, seeming to regret asking, but certainly believing the other's lies. He walked back to the desk and let a bag fall in front of them, listing for the sound of the coins jamming against eachother.

"We got no gold so...30 silver" he said as he pushed the bag over "sorry for your loss, son"

"Thank you" Gary bit down any other words as he took the money "by the way...know anywhere where I can get a horse?"

"Ermm...Captain?" Kevin said with uncertainty as he and Nyata paddled closer, anxiety heavy in his voice and a serious expression on the lynx.

Captain Bartolomew turned to look at what got them worried, hand coming to hold tight against the handle of his sword at the sight.
There was their ship, besides it a big ship that was painted beautifully, an American flag up high and an even bigger with the sign of the Navy.

"Dad...?" Little Cato grabbed his guns as well slowly, voice sounding unsure.

His breath caught in his throat as a man stood at the edge with a megaphone, the man's skin was greenish and he had horns upon his head.

"Turk-" Avocato muttered

"Bartolomew!" Turk, one of the generals from the Navy, shouted into the megaphone "we have your crew- hand yourselves in calmly or else we will kill them one by one!"

"Dad?" Little Cato looked at Bartolomew with wide eyes, the other two men turning as well

"We'll follow your orders, Captain" Kevin nodded "whatever you decide to do but personally I would like not to see the others die" he added quickly recieving an elbow to his side from Nyata.

Captain Bartolomew inhaled as he shut his eyes harshly, trying to come up with a solution but not much time was given as a groan was heard.

"Hey!" Ash shouted as she was pushed fowards, quickly shutting herself up when a sword was put to her throat

"Stop!" Avocato roared as he stood, the boat wobbling a bit before it settled. His breathing was harsh but he had tried to calm it by breathing through his nose.
His reply was taking his sword and gun off his hip and placing it on the floor of the boat, the others following the example.

"Gather them!" Turk ordered to which their men did, coming over on a slightly bigger paddle boat and pushing then in harshly

"Agh--" Little Cato fell onto the deck after being pushed by one of the men, Avocato was quick to rush to his side, kneeling down before him and helping him up.

"Well... I didn't think we'd ever meet again like this, Avocato" Turk stepped closer, chuckling darkly at the ventraxian

"" Avocato aye up his words, not wanting his crew to suffer the consequences of his anger.

With a click of a finger, the men were putting chains on the rest of the crew, throwing them in a cell all together and laughing at the sight of the fearsome Bartolomew getting caught and trapped.

"Ready!" Turk shouted and the Navy began to run into place, watching his arm lift high in the air as some sort of signal.

"Waot!" Avocato shouted but it was too late, as Turk lowered his arm and shouted the command


And thus...Bartolomew's crew watched as their ship, their home, was sank by the cannons of the navy.
Some had no where to go but their Captain's side, other's only home was their ship...
And that was the last time they saw their home, sinking into the deposit of the sea.....The Galaxy One.

The Captain - Garycato (Final Space AU) Where stories live. Discover now