Chapter 17

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Pirates and guards fighting against each other, swords clashing and fists against flesh. Lucky for the crew, it had been only the guards that were checking the area out that rushed in the room so it weren't many.

Fox and Evra rushed towards the room the wanderer had told them about. The tryvuulian having removed the bars blocking his gun and shooting any navy guard that saw them before more problems would arise.

"Here!" Evra called, poiting at a door

"Stand back" Fox pushed the girl behind him and shot the door's lock before kicking it down.

The two then began to gather their belongings, Evra creating more arms to carry things while also holding her bow and arrows ready to shoot while Fox carried his things on one arm and his other arm, that had the gun installed, was free for self defense as they rushed back to their crew bursting through the doors to find the fight had escalated.

"Here guys!" Evra flew up and began giving away the weapons, Fox joining in but remaining at the door to shoot anyone that dared come in.

It was as if the fight had instantly flipped, the pirates gaining quick advantage as soon as they had weapons in hand.

"You're a traitor, Avocato" Turk swag his sword harshly at the ventraxian "Our Lord did everything for you- you were his favourite"

"You're a foolish man" Avocato defended before trying to attack as well "this lord you speak off is sending innocent people on suicide missions when he has his own men-"  their swords clashed

"They're slaves!" Turk shouted, kicking Avocato before trying to stab him on the ground but the pirate rolled off just in time

"Slaves are living beings-" Avocato growled, swiping his foot under the other "and your lord happens to be one of the few people who still enslave people" he swang his sword, struggling to push down as the man beneath him defended and pushed him away.

The two returned to point their swords at eachother, panting from the long fight. Avocato had spent most of it killing random guards and defending Turk's attacks so he was most certainly tired, that his crew had their weapons once again, he could focus on the general only.

"You and Quinn are pathetic" Turk huffed as he shook his head

"Don't you get it?! Lord Commander is one of the most powerful men on Earth- if he promotes slavery as he does surely people will do it just to please him!" Avocato shouted "there have been more and more capturing random people off the streets- people with families go missing just to be enslaved and sold to him!" Avocato charged forward, sword held on his side ready to stab through flesh.

Turk didn't say anything, only letting out a warrior cry when he understood that Avocato was not changing his mind no matter what. Whatever he said was useless so he might as well just kill him.

A general against an formerly general. The fight was longer than necessary and by the time Bartolomew's crew had finished with the small group of guards, the two generals were still at it.
Unlike Turk, however, Avocato had an advantage....and that was that the man before him was an arrogant man.

Faking his fatigue, Avocato allowed the other to think he was winning. He watched Turk charge forth with a wicked smile one to see the smile falter as he coughed blood out of it.
His sword had pierced through his chest with ease, Turk being finally defeated.

"I hope you understand that this isn't about the fact you're a navy" Captain Bartolomew placed his scabbard on his belt at last "its a personal matter....since you touched not only my son but my whole crew" he spat on the man who still dared to heave for air.
With cold eyes, Bartolomew lifted his sword and cut off the man's neck just as he would've this evening.

The Captain - Garycato (Final Space AU) Where stories live. Discover now