Chapter 33

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The wagon shook with the rocky path, the two sat in front of eachother, both having their own reasons to avoid eachothers eyes.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" The teen tried to amend, speaking some sort of truth. Yak wouldn't force Gary to do anything, the child is his own person afterall...

"Don't worry- I'm pretty good at doing what others tell me to" Gary's voice had the equivalent effect of a bite- snappy and stinging.

Yak didn't try any further, sighing as he watched the color of the sky change through the cracks of the wood.
Boxes were stacked besides the boys, carrying goods none had the curiosity to look into. The brunette didn't want anymore trouble, not wanting to look into the boxes and caught while the blond simply didn't want to put effort into the action- knowing he had a debt to pay.

Although, Gary did pull a brown fabric from one of the boxes, using it as a blanket by wrapping it around his shoulders as he rubbed his hands together.
Night was drawing near and the youngest was quite weak towards the cold, preferring to keep himself warm since he had come from a rather hot country.

"What do you plan to do after?" Gary began small talk, leaning against the uneven wood

"After what?" Yak asked as he copied the action, thinking longer about Gary's question when the boy rose his brow as if he were lacking a brain "oh- I don't know" Yak finally shrugged.

Pausing, the brunette decided to try give it a thought. He had began working since young but never had thought about the future in whole- his days were just make money and eat, a cycle of breathing but not living.

"It's not that easy" he wanted to say "life won't go to plan as we wish" would be his reason but looking at how the blond seemed to make himself in the back of the wagon, one hand propping his head up as he layed on his side, Yak just knew he wouldn't take that for an answer.

"I guess..." he struggled to try to think of something until his grandfather's face crossed his mind "I guess I'd like to be like my grandpop" he smiled to himself

"Grandpop?" Gary repeated " want to be old?" He scratched his chin, his long hair which had been pulled back countless times falling in front of his face once again

"No-" Yak groaned "he was a good man, humble and smart" the teen nodded "he made boats back where I'm from- before ma moved to the city he'd often show me how he'd make the boats"

"So you want to do what he did? Make boats?" Gary blew the hair our his face

"Yeah...yeah I think I'd like that" for once, Yak smiled childishly, the gap in his teeth showing when he looked at the orange light that dripped through the cracks "I'd get my own place and build boats when I'm older, I'll have my own buissness and won't see another empty plate in my life- I'll have all shoes I want to wear and won't fear any debt" Yak continued "When I'm a man, that's what I'll do" he made a promise to himself before chuckling pitifully at the impossible dream.

"Pretty silly, right?" He croaked before he scowled down at his feet, taking in the details of his new shoes that he bought with the money he had stolen- the realisation of his idiotic actions weighing on him at last

"Yeah- pretty silly" Gary said without hesitation, sitting up as his hair fella nd covered his eyes fully.
Huffing, Yak couldn't help but wonder why he had thought Gary, out of all people, would offer comfort or a piece of advice--

"I mean- why wait until you're a man?" Gary shrugged, dragging his hair, that fell just above his shoulders, back "Just start now"

"What?" Yak blinked

The Captain - Garycato (Final Space AU) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum