Chapter 3

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His blond braid bounced along with his steps as he hummed the old melody his father used to sing.
Many were cheering for the brave Navy, Gary grinning from among the crowd he had now joined, his blue eyes locked onto a box the general carried.

Earlier that noon, he had seen a pretty crystal surrounded by the red silk in the box, it glistened in the sunlight and was quick to captivate the Trickster.

Stalking the troops, the blond watched them  walk into a tall building that, unlike the others, the paint was still bright and new.
He snickered to himself as he climbed over a nearby roof and jumped across to the building, sneaking in easily through a window above.

"Did you hear?" Little Cato whispered to Evra "apparently The Trickster is in this area as well"

"Really?" Evra tried to whisper back but she had always been naturally loud

"Hush, you two" Avocato shush, glancing behind him. Their mission involved stealth at least until they got inside the building.
Evra and Little Cato winced before following their Captain and continuing with their conversion

"It's hard to believe there are other species that can shape-shift like me" Evra smiled

"Yeah...I wonder how old they are" the other pondered "he's been around when I was this small" he whispered dramatically, his eyes widening as he gestured to the top of his boot to show how tall he was then

"Maybe they're like super old" Evra snickered

"Mega old" Little Cato joined in "older than dad" he teased, recieving a gentle walk to the face from his father's tail.

"This is so boring" the teen groaned loudly, stealing an apple and chewing it as she threw more things into the bag, ignoring the panicked shrieking of people around

"It's not so bad" Kevin smiled, groaning as he attempted to pick up a barrel, resolving to rolling it towards the deck

Both Ash and Kevin were stealing food while Clerance was doing his usual trades, tricking people into giving him things that were worth much more, such as fresh meat and fish.

"This would be better with Fox" Ash huffed "he could carry two of those" she gestured towards the barrel Kevin was rolling, rolling one herself with her foot

"The Captain--" Kevin huffed as well, his back hurting from bending over and rolling the heavy object "had his best thoughts on the crew"

"Yeah...Still!" Ash kicked it once again, throwing the apple away before turning the barrel upright

Their ship was just behind a few  rocks, hidden from the eyes of folk nearby but close enough to come once they need to flee.

"Pirates!" A woman screamed in horror

"Hello" Kevin greeted politely all while Ash just rolled her eyes at the lady that ran away.

"Hello primate, Ash" Clarance's heels were heard from a mile away. The short man carried a big sack with meat and an average sized net with fish as they could fish themselves, a man tailing behind him carrying a huge boar on a stick "you two may go, me and this nice man will keep an eye on the goods"

"Who's that?" Ash lifted a brow at the guy

"I'm your new mate" the guy said confidently

"Yes, he's frrriend" Clarance pressed on the 'r's and the two caught on rather quickly, understanding that it was just another nobody that was dumb enough to fall for Clarance's lies.

"Oh alright- nice to meet you" Kevin waved as he left with Ash to gather more things.

"We're here" Avocato looked upon the big doors, pulling out his sword while his two copanions pulled out their own weapons. Little Cato a pair of guns and Evra her bow.

The Captain - Garycato (Final Space AU) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя