Chapter 12

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It was near noon and the wanderer hadn't yet woken up. Bartolomew had sent his son to go wake him and bring him here as they would soon depart on the smaller boat to land.

Walking down, Little Cato looked into the open cell to see the wanderer hugging an empty bucket, probably due to his nausea last night, and his father's coat that was being used as some sort of blanket.
The wanderer's hair was messier than usual, his clothes had some white patches and were nearly rock hard- the boy cpuld only guess that the man had fallen into the water last night.

"Wanderer" Little Cato whispered, kneeling besides the sleeping man, he probably had trouble sleeping last night- Little Cato felt bad for waking him "wanderer" but even so he kept trying to gently shake him away.

When Little Cato heard a mumble, he stopped, allowing the blond to take his time waking up before he could explain what was happening

"Ngh-- Little Cato?" The man rubbed the sleep from his eye "mornin'" he smiled

"Good morning" Little Cato greeted even though it was noon "Dad says we have to get a move on"

"Ugh...Bartolomew" the blond groaned before taking notice of the coat and yucking, pushing it away "What's the hurry?"

"'re going to land right?" Little Cato reminded the other, standing up with him as he tried to pick his father's heavy coat "it will take a while to paddle all the way to land, we'll probably need a break once we get there before coming back so it's best we go now" he explained

"That so" the human yawned, stretching before taking the coat from the boy and folding it neatly- he hated Bartolomew but he wasn't rude.
He checked his reflection on the bucket and tried to fix some stray hairs, cringing at the dry feeling of his salty hair. Gary couldn't wait until he cpuld wash himself, brush his hair and moisturise his dry skin as soon as he were on land- he simply hated the feeling of dry skin, plus ir helped him look young.

Once he decided he was 'ready enough to greet the others, he turned to Little Cato and smiled as he messed the kid's hair before making his way up the stairs.

Captain Bartolomew was already waiting, raising his brow when he was handed his own jacket that had been, surprisingly, neatly folded. He didn't say anything though, simply throwing it on and eyeing the human before turning around and talking to his crew

"We'll be taking our leave now" he said "Little Cato will come with us, Kevin and Nyata too- you guys will be paddling"

"Okay" Kevin nodded, looking alright with the events

"Fuck" Nyata muttered, going unheard by everyone except Fox, who was caught in such surprise, all he could do was stand there and sputter. As he looked around, he made eye contact with the wanderer who also had his eyes wide and shared a look with Fox that certainly told him that they were the only ones who heard the other talk.

"Wait- won't Mr Wanderer eat before he goes?" Evra said with worry, already skipping to the man to stand besides him

"It is his own fault for not waking earlier" Captain Bartolomew said as he helped Kevin prepare the small boat

"Don't worry Evra" the blond smiles, messing with her hair "your Captain is a cruel man" he continued to pat her as she smiled up at him

"But...?" She asked

"Oh no that's it" he chuckled, earning a short laugh from her before she quickly covered her mouth as Bartolomew turned to her

"He's actually nice once you get to know him" she insisted with a whisper but the wanderer only took it as her naivety and nodded.

The Captain - Garycato (Final Space AU) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora