Chapter 20

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"So...why exactly are we here?" Avocato leaned against a wall in an alley while the blond was peeking into the noisy streets "shouldn't we leave the capital as soon as possible?"

"Yeah but we can't leave when there's a festival" Gary turned back to him

"Why? Do they close the gates when there's a festival?" Fox asked curiously as he watched Gary look back onto the plaza

"There's gates?" Little Cato gasped

Gary only groaned, these pirates have never really set foot on land and it shows. Sighing, Gary decided to focus on making sure the guards left to monitor the other side of the plaza.

"There are no gates" Avocato corrected them   "thats only in the middle of the capital, where you need permission to enter the castle" he sounded very informed on this, as if he had been there himself

"But forget that!" Gary span around with a grin "we're here to party!" He cheered, finally walking out "Come on!"

"Party?" Avocato repeated in disbelief "you do realise there's people after us"

"Captain captain" Gary shook his head as he clicked his tongue, walking back to put an arm around the ventraxian and force him to leave the dark alley "look at your crew!" He let go finally as he pointed to the others who followed their captain into the plaza.

"They've been locked in cells, scared half to death and then stuck in a wagon" he batted his eyes "plus! The kids look like theve never been to a festival their whole lives!! Which is a must!"

True to that, the group of teens were looking around in wonder. Little Cato was distracted by the bright lights, Fox seemed excited by the decoration and Ash kept stealing glances at Evra who seemed to bounce with the music.
Groaning as he anxious covered his scarred eye, Avocato couldn't refuse- not when his kid looked back at him with that huge smile that said "are you seeing this"

"Fine but we stick toget--"

"Good!" Gary clapped "everyone knows where the wagon is" he nodded and was about to run and have fun when "Ack--"

"We stick together" Avocato demanded, holding onto Gary's braid. Gary might not be part of his crew but Avocato is still a pirate- A Captain at that. He won't tolerate disobedience

"Fine" Gary groaned loudly, smacking Avocato's hand away with a pout. The two glared at each other before Gary's eye seemed to be distracted by something behind them

"Perfect!" He grinned, grabbing Avocato's wrist, because he insisted on staying together, and making his way to a stall.
Meowing in surprise, Avocato followed Gary and his crew followed him into a stall that had

"Masks" Avocato smiled down at Gary and Gary smiled back - Usually covering your face is suspicious on every day life but wearing festival masks on a festival wouldn't be weird.

Gary picked a mask overly feminine mask and grinned as he reached fowards to place it on Avocato who didn't seem thrilled but didn't refuse either- meanwhile the others picked their own.

"That will be 67 dropnoids" the man said

"Right" Gary rolled his eyes "the Capital- where everything is more expensive that it has to be" he muttered as he took out his tiny money sack and placed two golden coins on the table "No dropnouds- sorry"

"Gold?" The man inspected, biting it before shrugging "that will do" he took out some change, handing some silver coins back.

Avocato frowned under the mask, feeling a tiny bit of guilt for having the other pay for their things.

The Captain - Garycato (Final Space AU) Where stories live. Discover now