Good Cop Bad Cop

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The walls creaked sending an automatic response through Bey's body to open her eyes and see what was around her .

When her wide wild hazel eyes settled on darkness again she turned over looking at her alarm clock even though she knew exactly what time it was

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When her wide wild hazel eyes settled on darkness again she turned over looking at her alarm clock even though she knew exactly what time it was .

Like clockwork her body went this same routine every night , wether to diagnose it as PTSD or not was all up to you but if you asked her she was fine

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Like clockwork her body went this same routine every night , wether to diagnose it as PTSD or not was all up to you but if you asked her she was fine .

At least for someone with a job description of investigating reported crimes ,doing interviews and getting statements from victims , and suspects .

Coming to the aid people in the community whenever something happened .

Protecting crime scenes , handling drug dealers , keeping people off the street that were a risk to the community, trying to help the corrupt justice system when they were still humans and made mistakes too , and probably her else favorite of them all .

Obtaining warrants .

The amount of times she's almost gotten her head blown off her shoulders by a scared suspect or someone who viewed cops the wrong way .

She didn't know about any one else at her precinct but she didn't get paid enough to give a red or blue fuck about your drug dealing .

She dated a few drug dealers before damn , she was just trying to make it home like everybody else .

If you were gonna aim at least point at the white people.

You're probably wondering why she's so jumpy , or what's her story .

Every cop has one

What made them join , if she following in her dads footsteps , wether she a professional snitch at school and decided to make a living off of it , if the army did not work out , if someone she love get killed and didn't receive justice so she had to dedicate her entire life to making sure other people got theirs ?

Not even close

But that's another story

When she realized she couldn't sleep she decided to grab her phone of her nightstand and entertain herself at least until her eyes got tired and she could no longer see his face when she closed her eyelids .

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