22. Day 6 (nsfw)

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Start the song once you see this♬♬


It's the next morning and you're in the kitchen, cooking some breakfast for you and Oikawa before going to school. You heard foot steps heading down the stairs and you assumed it was Oikawa.

You turned your head around to see Oikawa right behind you smiling. "Good morning" you said as you turned your head back to cook. "Good morning, also give me that or else the food would taste terrible" he said as he put his hand out for you to give him the spatula.

You glared at Oikawa a little. "Alright shittykawa" you said as you gave him the spatula and headed towards the kitchen table to sit down. "Hey no one calls me that unless you're Iwa-chan!" He said as he turned his head around to look at you.

"Dang I should ask 'Iwa-chan' if I can have that privilege, you dipshit" you muttered the last part as you turned your head to look out the window, avoiding his eye contact as he crossed his arms and frowned his eyebrows while looking directly at you.

"You on your period or something babe? Because that's not how you usually act you know..." Oikawa said as he showed a concerned expression towards you. "Oh and how do I usually act hm?" You said in a angry tone as you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well you know, you're always smiling and really kind towards people, even the people that dislike you. You're always caring and care about the people you love the most, and you're really confident and wouldn't care about what other people say about you"

Oikawa said as he smirked, knowing how to calm you down and put on a bright smile on your face again. He went on and on about nice things about you and what makes you special. You're faced softened as you hear those nice things about you and placed a small smile on your face.

"Alight well I'm not on my period love it's just I'm stressed you know?" You said as you fidget with your fingers as you looked down, making Oikawa lift your chin up over the kitchen counter. "What are you stressed about baby?" Oikawa said softly as he stared directly at your e/c eyes, making you lock eyes with brunette ones right in front of you.

"Oh about the test that takes up 40% of our mark on Monday" you said as you rolled your eyes a little and stare back at Oikawa's beautiful brown eyes. You admired them for a min before realizing something. 'How come I never admired his eyes more before?' You thought as you still stared back, making Oikawa stare back at your pretty e/c eyes.

Oikawa smirked while locking eyes with you for a few seconds before you broke the contact and looked to the side due to the embarrassment that started hovering over you. "Oh well I can help you before the test starts on Monday because we all know that I'm the smartest one here" Oikawa said as he placed a hand over his chest proudly. "Aw thanks babe" you said sweetly back at him.

"Well you're probably still stressed about the test considering it's huge for 3rd years like us and I'm not that smart but I am smarter than you, so why don't we have fun after school to stop the stressing?" Oikawa said as he send you a wink as you ate your breakfast with a small giggle escaping your lips.

You and Oikawa always do sex and it wasn't a thing that you two were surprised about or complaining about and you assumed Oikawa was planning on having sex with you to stop the stressing but...

Oh boy were you wrong...


School was finally over and you and Oikawa are now heading home. "So are you going to tell me what you're planning to do to stop my stressing?" You said as you plastered a big smirk on your face, knowing what Oikawa is going to do to you to stop the stressing. "Uh I'll tell you when we're at home" Oikawa said as he turned his head to you and place a small smile on his lips.

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