Important Information

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Hey everyone, glad you could make it!
I just want to provide some useful information pertaining to this little book of mine.

This book will contain characters in intense sexual situations, with varying levels of consent. There might also be some gore content, but I'll be sure to leave a description or rank of what you can expect to encounter before each chapter. That being said, this story will be based upon requests I receive from you, the readers. There's a form to fill out that contains all the information I will need to fulfill your request. This form must either be submitted in the comments section of the forms chapter, or through my DMs.

Try to keep your request's contents clean, which means no swearing, and please find other terms for sexual stuff where applicable. I'm not going to demand anything, just please keep that in mind so that this book can stay up for as long as possible.

If you'd prefer your story be sent to you personally, please reach out in DMs so we can discuss this.

Now, due to the content of this book, it will be ranked as a Mature one, which means you should not continue reading if you're under aged.

If all is understood, then you may move onto the next page, where I will have the form for everyone to fill out.
Hope you enjoy!

Intense Lemons on Demand (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now