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Since that night I just popped up at Aliyah's place we've been good . and no we didn't have sex we actually talked and caught up with each other's .

We're not in a relationship because she wants to take things slows and I understand her completely and since we had just got back on good terms is I'm trying to build a relationship with my lil man Tristan .

I woke up with a neck cramp . Aaliyah made me sleep on this damn pull out couch they had in her hotel room .

"never again Never again " I mumbled as I sat up and leaned my back up against the couch .

"Good morning "Aaliyah beamed as she walked into the kitchen

"Morning " i grumbled

"Oooh what's wrong you grumpy butt " she laughed from in the kitchen .

I got up and made my way into the kitchen

"You is my problem " I said mugging her

"Me " she said shocked

"Yes you have me sleeping on that damn couch got my neck hurting and shit " i said while glaring at her

"I should fall and say 'I've fallen and can't get up ' like that old ass lady in that commercial fucking with you " I said and furrowed my eyebrows together .

She stated at me blankly before busting out laughing

"Aww does the little baby want me to rub his next " she said in a baby voice and while laughing

"Ywess " I said and batting my eye lashes at her.

She rolled her eyes and giggled .

"Come on boy "she said and I followed her into the little sitting area and I couldn't help but stare at her ass she has gotten thicker since the last time I saw her .

"Stop staring at my eyes Tae " she said while still walking into the sitting area .

"What I don't know what you talking about " I said while smirking

"Mhmm " she said and took a seat on the sofa.

"So you know I go back home next week right "she said while massaging my neck .

"Mhmm "

"Are you even listening Tae " she said

"Mhmm yea "

"I'm serious Tae "she said the she stopped massaging my neck

I spun around so fast on That one .

"Why you stop " I said a little upset .

"Because your not listening that's why " she said

I sucked my teeth

"Dwaddy" I heard Tristan call out.

"Coming little man" I said making my way into the room .

"Wassup boy " I said and picking him up .

"Pwark dwaddy" he said

"Later man but first let's take a shower and get some breakfast ok" I said

"Otay" he said


* Later That Day *

We just arrived to the park and he's having a blast . I know I'm still young for my age to be a father but it's the best feeling in the world .

"Tae " Aaliyah said while tapping my leg

"Hmm" I said while not taking my eyes off Tristan

" you know we need to talk Right " She said

I sighed because I knew that this conversation was bound to happen , but I'm just not ready to talk about .

"So you know next week is our last week here " she said

I sighed "I know " I said .

"And I was wondering if y--" he cut me off

"Look you can't take Tristan with you I just got him and I want to spend as much time with him and all the way back home with you it's gonna be hard just please Aaliyah don't " I said as I held my head hang low .

She slightly chuckled

"Tae before your as cut me off I was going to tell you that I want Tristan to stay here in Atlanta with while I go back to L.A and finish school I mean I only have a month til I graduate so I figured that this would be the perfect opportunity for you to actually bond you know " she said

"Foreal " I said and smiling

"Yes boy I would just take him back home with me when you just started to get to know him that would be petty " she giggled

I'm really in love with this girl man .

" ok then it's settled " i Said

"Settled " she smiled and went back to Tristan playing with the other kids at the park .

My phone started vibrating inside my pocket , so I pulled it out and seen marquees calling me .

' I wonder what he wants ' I thought.

"Yo marquees man wassup" I spoke through the phone


"Oh shit foreal man " I jumped up from my seat and I could see Aaliyah looking at me from out the corner of my eye .


"Ight man one " I said and hung up the phone

"Everything ok" Aaliyah asked

" Naw but look we got to go because I have to meet up with marquees " I said as I rubbed my hands down my face .

"Ok .. Tristan come on baby " she yelled out as he ran out towards her .

"Ywess mwommy " he said

"Look we have to leave but we can come back tomorrow " Aaliyah said While picking him up

"Otay " he said while rubbing his eyes .

We made our way over to my car and I buckled him in and got in myself .

15 minutes later we arrived at the hotel they was staying at and dropped them off

"Be careful Tae " Aaliyah said before shutting the car door and waking into the building .

Once they was inside I zoomed off into the direction of marquees house .


NOTE : Only 3 chapters left.🌼

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