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They all waited patiently for what the doctor had to say . They was all hoping and praying that they found a match for her blood type. If they didn't then that would leave them in their last resort .

That was all getting tested . they didn't know what the outcome of Would be put they hoped that God would answer their prayers .

" Well I hate to tell you this but we couldn't find a match here for her blood type but unless on on you guys get tested and has her blood type then there's nothing we can do " Mr. Ohare spoke sincerely

" Ight Doc we'll get tested now "Brian told the doctor

He nodded and made to get a bite to take their blood .

" Everybody getting tested or not " he asked. His eyes hung low from lack of sleep and he just look all the way depressed by this point

" yes we'll even get the kids tested " Lauren and Aaliyah spoke in unison .

" Ight " he said then waited for the doctor to come back .

Five minutes later the doctor came back with two nurses. He escorted is to a room where they had everything set up .

Everyone was done and set to go but Lauren just had to be difficult with the nurse

" honey it will only be a pinch " the nurse tried to console Lauren but she wasn't having it

" bitch do I look like care nooo " Lauren ranted while trying to remove her arm from the nurse .

I shook my head I forgot her crazy ass doesn't like needles

" Lauren let the woman do it damn " I semi- yelled at her .

" No Brian you know I don't like needles and This old kangaroo looking bitch don't get out my face " she said while mugging the lady and jumping at her.

She jumped back and mugged the shit out of Lauren .

" Marquees you Bette get your girl " I said looking at him

He huffed before getting up and going over there .

He came two minutes later holding his eye.

" man what happen to yo eye " I said trying to hold in my laughter

" man Lauren crazy ass Is what happen she punched me for holding her down while the lady drew blood . your sister lucky I love her because anybody else I would of beat their ass " he said with a frown on his face

I couldn't hold it in any longer I busted out laughing .

" man that ain't funny " he said mugging me

" look man I'm sorry but you should of seen your face" I said then went back into a fit of laughter .


We've waited for who knows long for them to Come back and right when I was about to go to the front desk mr. Ohare came walking up to us

" well we have good and bad news" Ohare said

"Well give it to us straight doc " i said eagerly .

"Good news is that we've found a match in one of you guys but the bad news is that it's Tristan and with him being so young it can have a chance that he won't make it " he said

That right there just made my heart crumble a little bit . I don't want to risk losing nephew that I just met . I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now .

" I'll do it " Aaliyah said

"No you can't do that its to risky " i semi yelled

" Brian it's ok I have faith in God that they will both make it ok " she said calmly and caressing the side of my face .

I gave her a warming smile " ok " I told her .

"Ok doc we're ready " I said wiping my last tear. if Aaliyah had that much faith then I should to.


* Twleve Hours Later *

" Family of Tristan and Aaliyah " Mr. Ohare said

I stretched and wiped my eyes. I woken up the rest of the Gang . We all sat up and waited for what he had to say I pray that it was some good news .

"I just wanted to let you guys know that everything went fine and there doing ok just resting for now" he said with a big grin on his face .

"That's great man and we all appreciate it very much " I said motioning to everyone .

"Your very welcome and if you would like to see then you can " he said

"Hell yea ... umm I mean yea " I said then clearing my throat

He chuckled and showed us to their rooms. All I can say right now is that God is good .


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