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I called up tae to meet up at the park so he could have some quality time with tristan. plus me and him need to have a serious talk .

Even if me and him are not on the coolest terms at the moment .

" hey " I spoke softly as I got up and surprisingly he pulled me into a hug .

" hey " he said after he pulled from the hug and took a seat on the bench

I was just looking out and watching all the other kids play. it was actually pretty nice out today the sun was out and everything .

" so " he said cutting me out of my thoughts . I turned around and gave him my undivided attention .

" so " I mocked him and a slight smirk grew on his face . He took a huge sigh before he spoke .

" Look Aaliyah I love you , I'm in love with you ok & so damn much that it hurts and when you came down here and told me that I had a son broke my heart to pieces because I wasn't their for nothing at all . his growth , doctor appointments , your crazy ass cravings none of that and it made me feel as if you didn't want me apart of his life hell I wasn't even there when he was born . and I done missed out on 2 whole years of his life Aaliyah. did you even know how I felt . no because you didn't give 2 shits about how I felt " he told me

I couldn't do anything but cry right now because I feel like pure shit and I let my fears get I the way of him and Tristan having a father , son relationship .

" I'm sorry that I put you through that and I feel like shit that I left you in the dark about your son . and letting my fears getting in the way of that and I'm in love with you to . " I told him sincerely and from the bottom of my heart .

" And me not talking to you is killing me so I'm gonna stop giving you the cold shoulder Ight , but I'm still mad at you " he told me .

" ahhaha good I was not likening you giving me the cold shoulder and I can understand why you still mad " I spoke back .

" mwommy I nweed a band band " Tristan sniffled while holding his elbow .

" okay baby let me see " I looked and I seen a pretty big scratch .

I was digging into my purse and a picture fell out . I put the bandage on his elbow and he ran back off to the playground .

" what's that " I asked Tae because whatever he was looking at he was staring pretty hard .
He showed me and it was a picture of me and Tristan the day after he was born . I smiled

" he was beautiful " he said while touching the picture. that moment right there just literally broke my heart into pieces, like I absolutely regret not telling Tae about Tristan and him not being there for me and him .

" can I keep it " he asked while looking at me .
" oh yea sure sure I have another one " I told him slightly smilingly .

" thanks for the dinner it was nice " I told Tae while he held a sleeping Tristan

" awe man that's not a problem "he said smiling wow that smile oh how I miss it so much I thought to myself .

" Aaliyah you Ight " he said snapping his finger in my face .

" oh yea " I smiled weakly . I slid the room key into to the door and stepped to the side while I let him In .

I showed him where to put Tristan and walked him back to the door .

" thanks against for everything Tae " I smiled he laughed " like I said no problem" he said .

We just stood there in a awkward silence until he kissed me . I was on cloud 9 right now and confused at the same time. Doesn't he have a girlfriend I thought .

I tied to pull away for the kiss but he tighten his grip around my waist . I moaned into the kiss and I know me and him went to far .

" stop Tae this isn't right plus you have a girlfriend " I told him while wiping my mouth .

"'Aaliy-- " he started but I cut him off . "NO tae" I told him then i just shut the door .

I slide down the door and sighed heavily because I didn't wanna make It more complicated than it already is and we just got back on good terms


< Excuse Any Errors > 🌺

C.I.L.A.T ( Sequel )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant