Mulai dari awal

Minutes later, a man was walking towards her, as he wrapped his hands around So-Yeon's waist but what breaks Jungkook more us the fact that So-Yeon didn't even reject the man's touch rather she rejected her husband touch.

They were dancing but then both of them started to grinding on each other bodies as Jungkook swear he could throw up right there. Then both of them start to kiss each other, hungrily, like animals in Jungkook eyes.

He didn't watch the full video but at least now, he knows the cause of her messy hair; fucked. Jungkook then smashes the phone on the floor hearing it crack as he walks off calmly but god knows what inside.

Flashback ended

He didn't confront So-Yeon, he waited for her to confess instead. He could forgive her if she tells him the truth. He loves her too much that he could pretend that didn't even happen in the first place.

But no.

Until this day she never confronts him.

The tears that were falling from his eyes proved how much he hurt inside but his life becomes better until he met Jimin.

The male was caring for him, even though they were still friends back then. To be honest, Jungkook didn't fall for Jimin beautiful face, he falls for the male behavior, habit, affection, and everything about him.

He fills his life with the love he gave that So-Yeon should give him as his wife.


Suddenly an image of smiling Jimin, caused him to smile. It's wonderful how he met with Jimin at that time but somehow he's grateful.

He never regrets spending his time with Jimin instead of spending his time searching for his wife. Talking about the male, where is he?

A sudden ring coming from his new phone as Jungkook wonders who is it.

"Hello?" Jungkook greets, received a female chuckle from the other side of the line.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon"


"One more." Jimin said pushing the tiny glass to the waiter as he waits for the worker to fill it.

Jimin grabs the glass and without hesitation, he shoved it down his throat feeling the burning sensation in his mouth.

"I lied to him and now I need to confront him but hell, I'm scared, scared if he leaves me alone." Jimin ranting as the waiter hears it clearly and decided to have a little chat with Jimin.

"What happened?" He asks catching Jimin attention.

"I lied to my boyfriend and I have to confront him. No. Wait I mean I needed to." Jimin said as the waiter furrowed his eyebrows.

"Then keep it secret."

"No!! I need to tell him, I don't want to keep this secret from him!!" Jimin said slightly shouting but lucky that the club was loud with the background music.

"Then confront him."

"No!! I can't tell him, I don't want him to hate me or leave me!!" Jimin explains as the waiter sighs.

"Hey, I don't know you but listen to me, if you both love each other so much, no matter what's coming, you both will be unbreakable."

"Every human makes a mistake so take easy on yourself. If you both love each other so much, he will come back into your arms sooner or later." The server said as Jimin finally realized that he was indeed right.

He didn't say any words as he stands up paying for his drink and suddenly he hugs the waiter, saying thank you; leaving the male shock and chuckle as he shakes his head.


Jimin arrived at the hospital at midnight as he gets out of the car, shutting the engine off first.

He walks towards the hospital but there's something inside him that tells him that he shouldn't come. He knows this is not a good feeling, every time these warning feelings around him; there must something bad that will happen sooner or later.

He held his step, thinking back on these worry over nothing feelings that were lingering him since the moment he steps out from the woman's house.

What could happen?

Jimin shrugged off these feelings, as he runs through the corridor hoping the red-haired male was already sleeping.

But luck is not on his side today, Jungkook was sitting in the bed staring at him and Jimin swear something bad will happen and he's not ready for the moment yet.

"Where did you go Mr. Park?"

Whatever happened today, you'll know whether you're going or staying.

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Thank You!!💜💜

WEDDING BREAKER | JIKOOK [✓]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang