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*George's pov*

Oh no....
I thought when I saw Vicktor entering the room.
At any other point I would have been happy to see my mate but at that moment it was just the worst timing ever.

Me and some other important alphas had come here, to the residence of the vampire king in order to discuss the renewal of the peace treaty between our species with him.

It was already quite difficult to stay calm and professional with all those vampires glaring at us as if we where nothing more than flea infested strays but with Vicktor now being here too, my emotions where all over the place.

What is he even doing here? I mean sure he is half vampire but I thought only the highest ranking vampires had been invited by there King.

He looked around and when our eyes met, he seemed just as shocked as me.
I saw Julius, who I had noticed earlier, walk up to Vick and put an arm around his shoulders.
He then whispered something Vick and both glanced in my direction.
Next to me Luke seemed to have also finally noticed them, because he said "What the hell. Why are they here? Julius isn't even one of those leaches."

That prompted the vampires, that where close enough to hear it to glare angrily at Luke.
"I don't know but maybe keep your voice down and don't insult anybody!" I hissed.
"Oh yeah right... sorry."
Before I could remind him again to at least pretend to be polite, I saw Vick walking towards us, closely followed by Julius.

I tried to signal him not to come closer, because I feared that it could cause to much attention from the other people in the room.
But it seemed to have the opposite effect because Vick seemed even more determined and quickened his pace.

When he reached us he looked at me and then bagged with tears in his eyes "George I'm so sorry for what happened last time. I behaved like a total idiot! I knew we can't tell anybody but I still got so angry about it for no reason. I'm seriously sorry I ruined the evening and not contacting you afterwards. Please... can you forgive me?"

I could feel through our connection how panicked and scared he was about the possibility of me rejecting him.
Does he really think I would be angry at him for THIS?! Even if I was pissed, I would never reject anybodies sincer apology.
I thought and shook my head.

"Ba-....Vick I'm not angry, so don't worry. Okay? Besides I get it, I would have probably reacted the same in that kind of situation."
I reassured him in a low voice, while reminding myself to not say to much because we where surrounded by people that shouldn't know what kind of  relationship we really had.
"Really?" He sniffed.
I nodded.
He then threw himself at me and wrapped his arms tightly around my neck.

"Vick! Don't..... you shouldn't.... we are.... they... uhm..." I stammled while fighting against the desire to hug him back.
It made me happy to feel him so close but this was definitely not the right time or place to do this.
"Fucking hell Vick do you want us to get killed?!" Julius snarled.
Vick tightened his grip and then replied "I don't give a damn shit! They can think what ever they want."

Julius groaned and from the corner of my eye I could see Luke shaking his head diseprovently. Even though I knew this was bad I still couldn't bring myself to pushing Vick away.
Maybe it was because I could feel his anxiety and fear or maybe it was because of the long separation we had.

When I looked around I saw the shocked expressions of the other alphas and the vampires in the room but somehow it didn't bother me so much.

While I contemplated with myself if it was really a good idea to reveal that me and Vick are mates or not, the door opened and king Vincent walked into the room.

"Shit we are so dead!" Julius whined and stepped in front of Luke. Making it seem as if he was trying to shield him.

The king glanced in our direction and I could see his face turning from his usually cold, emotionless expression in to one of pure disgust and hatred.
It got even worse when he then walked right over to us while still glaring at me as if he would rip of my head at any moment.

"Son! What is the meaning of this?!" He snarled.
Vicktor let go of me and turned to face the king.
"It's called a hug, father or do you not know what that is?" Vick answered. Even though his words where sarcastically I still noticed how shaky his voice was.
I wanted to tell the king that this was a private matter but then I realized what they just had called each other.

Wait a second! SON?! FATHER?! OH MY GOD! No this can't be! Vicktor can't be the son of this bastard! That impossible! They don't even look anything alike!

Love, Mates and other Mistakes حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن