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*Viktor's pov*

"Move bitch." Julius hissed and kicked my leg.
Startled I pulled my hand out of George's pants.
I had been so much in the heat of the moment that I had completely forgotten everything around me.

Oh fuck this is so embarissing. I just gave my boyfriend a handjob in public! Wait are we even dating? I mean we are mates but does that automatically make us a couple? Oh my god! What the fuck am I doing?!

Another kick from Julius made me focus again.
"I said move! I have to piss!" He lowly growled.
"Oh okay." I replied and moved my legs so he could get past.
Just a second later Luke also stood up and walked past.
"Where are you going?" George whispered.
Luke just mumbled something about having to pay a debt, then he followed Julius out of the cinema auditorium.

George grabbed my hand and gave me a questioning look.
"Are you okay? You look kinda stressed."
AM I OKAY?! HELL NO! I just made out with a guy in public and I don't even know if we are dating or not! Like wtf?!
"Uhm....yeah I'm... fine... let's just watch the movie." I stuttered and looked away.
He squeezed my had and said "Okay babe."
Wait he is calling me babe... does that mean we are dating or not...

The rest of the movie I panicked over the one question that wouldn't leave my mind no matter how hard I tried. Are we a couple or not.
When the credits rolled I had finally convinced myself that it was probably the best solution to just ask him.
But even though I thought that that was the best solution, still didn't mean I had the courage to do it.

We stood outside the cinema, waiting for Julius and Luke.
I had a suspension about what was  probably taking them so long. 
Because it wasn't hard to notice that there was something going on between them, specially when you knew Julius. He normally was a cocky, self assured asshole that never really gave a shit about anybody but himself but when Luke was around he seemed kinda different.
He even had blushed  when I had only mentioned Luke's name and when he had seen him, his eyes were practically glued on him.
That behavior was definitely strange but not in a bad way.

"So are you finally going to tell me what's going on in your head or should I keep guessing?" George said with a weak smile.
Shit! Okay....you can do this Vick...what's the worst that could happen?
"Well I was thinking..."
"That's new!" Julius cheerfully interrupted me.
I spun around and glared at him.
"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled at him.

"Hey I was just joking."
He tried to defend himself but a deep growl from behind me made him almost emidietley shut up.
It didn't take much to know that George clearly didn't appreciated Julius interruption but hankfully Luke was there to defuse the situation.  He grabbed Julius arm and pulled him away while whispering something to him.

When I turned around George took a deep breath and focused his attention on me again.
"So... what where you thinking?" He asked me with a smile.
I nervously shifted around and then cleared my throat.
"I was asking myself... well if we... are we dating?"

George face went completely blank. He just starred at me as if I had just grown a second head.
"Uh....well...." he stammered.

To be continued...

Nah I'm just joking 😅
Sorry about that I see my self out....


Okay let's continue.

*George's pov *

"I thought it was clear that we are." I replied confused.
Vick's mood emidietley lightened up. "Well I wasn't sure. I mean we are mates and that makes us physically attracted to each other but I didn't think that would automatically mean that we are dating. " He explained while scratching his neck.
I could feel that he was quiet embarrassed about this and even a little bit angry at himself for some reason.

I bowed down a bit and took his face between my hands, so that he had to look at me.
"Vick it's okay. There is no need to be embarrassed about it. Besides it also my fault for just assuming things." I sighed and then continued.
"I think the best would be if we talk about our relationship so there won't be any misunderstandings about it in the future. Don't you think?"

"Yeah but maybe not in the middle of the sidewalk, also it kinda looks like it's going to..."
The last part of his sentence was muffled by the rain suddenly purring down on us.

I wrapped my arms around Vick's hips and lifted him up. Then I quickly carried him under the canopy of cinema.
To my annoyance, even though I had acted as fast as possible, we still got completely drenched by the heavy rain.
Vick started giggling and slung his arms tightly around my neck.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
He tried to hold back  his laughter but instead it became even louder. Then replied in between fits of laughter.
"You smell like a wet dog."

Love, Mates and other Mistakes Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ