Avatar (the last air bender): I'm alone anymore!

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Crack! A twig snaped filling the quiet woods with the sound. Or what was left of the forest. You see it was on fire. Why, you ask. Because of of them. The fire benders. The hooded figure ran as fast as it could, but, with the lack of shoes, it's feet only bleed and stung in pain. The fire benders were straight on its tail. "Capture the avatar!!!!" The leader screamed, but couldn't they see, it wasn't the avatar. Finally, the for benders caught up to the figure of black, surrounding it. "Show yourself avatar!!!!" The leader screamed. "I am no avatar therefore, I need not show my face." The figure said, it sounds like a girl. The leader then shouted "show yourself and prove it!" Slowly she should the black cloak off. Her pink hair and indigo eyes shined brightly in the fire. "She's not the avatar but you are wanted to the for nation for you are the..... Survivor"
End of dream:

She sat up suddenly, happy to see the first was indeed, not on fire. Then, what she heard, made her so happy, she nearly cried. "Hey, I heard the survivor lives here, and with the fire nation hot on her trail, she might wanna join." A womans voice said.
With the gang: sokkas point of view

I heard some risking in the bushes, wonder what the could be. Food... Yeah defiantly food. "Guys, I hear some game." I say and run to the bush. Ang and katara waited a good 30 minutes before sokka came out holding.... A girl?
Lepurs(oc) point of view:

A weird man, if say about one year older then me picked me up by the cost of my shirt. He then came me like that to some sort of camp. Finally two people immerged from the tent. An air bending boy and a water bending girl, wear clothes similar to the boy who had kidnapped me. The site bender must be the avatar. The boy looked confused. "Who's she?" He asked smiling, he looked fun. "I dunno, but she guys the description for the 'survivor' perfectly, and since you wanted to ask her a question....." Sokka answered, slightly tauntingly. "First off, yes I'm the survivor but call me by my real name, lepur."

"Okay lepur, do you wanna join our mery trio?" He asked. "Only if hunter-boy let's go of my shirt, I am barely breathe, I'm still surprised I can talk with that death grip of him."

The girl then said, "sokka, put lepur down..... Right now!" she scared me. I fell to the ground and the girl lended me a hand. "I'm katara this is any and sokka" she said, pointing to each boy as she said their name. I suddenly saw a huge white fluffy cloud that looked like a flying bison.

"Hey, doesn't that cloud look like a flying bison." I saw pointing towards it.

"Nope, it is a flying bison." Ang said "also katara uses water and I use air." He said. I was so happy, I thought I was alone. I gave him the biggest hug. "I'm not alone anymore."

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