Crying On Valentines Eve (Rufus x O.C.)

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I'm so sorry, this is supposed to be a late valentines special, if you understand, I'm only five days late. Once again, sorry!!!!

Rufus x Oc

"Yang,  get over here!" Sting calls. She runs over, black hair bouncing off her shoulders and black biker leathers tightening around her curves. The memory make made couldn't help but to stare at the 2nd generation iron dragon slayer.

"Yes sting?"she says standing about three feet away. "Minerva wants you, she's outside."

"Thank you for informing me." She responds and she heads to the outside of the guild Hall.

"Yang, I need help." She knew this was serious, she never asks for help, especially from people 'weaker' than her.

"I need help impressing Rufus for valentines day, do you have any advice?"

"Truth is, I'm in the same situation."


"But go to yukino, I'm sure she can help!" She says perkily to help the slightly depressed territory mage. They were secretly best friends, they always went on missions together and no one knew of their friendship except them.

With that she skipped off to her small apartment. As soon as she was out of earshot she began to sob, silently. But all she got was glances. And her little pet exceed was always at home, she knew if she brought him something very bad would happen to him, like what happened to lector, and she was afraid of what would happen if she was found out.

She opened the door and the silver and gold fluff ball flew into her face.

"Hey Thesis, anything happened?" Yang asked trying to stop the tears.

"Yin and athena came back!!!" He then tilts his head to the side. "What happened?" He asks flying up to stop the tears.

"I just found out my best friend had the same crush as me and plans to make a move!" She sobbed into the the small exceed who was trying to comfort her. Then the door swung open.

"Hey what's going on!!!" The man shouted, it was sting, with out rogue.

"Nothing master." She said in between sobs. Thesis then came out from her arms. "Get out!!!" He then and went to the broom closet and came out with a lead pipe and whacked him upside the head. You drag the body out the door and threw him in the hallway. Rufus then comes down the hallway to see you dragging the unconscious guild Master.

"I do not remember that sting has Yang's address." He says walking over to the scene. He then sees the last thing he wants to see. Yang was... Crying?

"I must remember the humor of this situation." He says loud enough for her to hear.

She turns her head to him and turns bright red and covers her puffy face with her eyes.

He chuckles lightly at yangs action and walks over to her. He takes his hand and moves her hands of and tilts her chin up so they make eye contact.

"Don't cover your face, how else am I going to memorize your beauty?" He says places a light kiss on her lips and walks away. Leaving a shocked yang and an angry exceed.

Bonus #1

Yang touches her lips lightly, "he kissed me." She thought. A large fan girl squeal was heard down the hallways. She runs back inside and pulls out her phone (they have cell phones) she tried to find Rufus in her contacts but can't find him. She then frustratedly throws her Samsung Galaxy 3 (I want my money Google) across the room and stuffs her hands in her pockets. Inside she finds a piece of crumbled paper. It read

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