Chapter 17

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What Arne said really made me nervous.

What did he mean by I'm sorry?

After the guards took him back, I hurriedly grabbed Davids hand and we went back home.

The way he said I'm sorry didn't sit right with me. That's why when I get home I'm going to immediately call Ed and Lorraine and see if they have any insight on why he would say that.

On the drive home I asked David if he remembered what the demon would say to him. He said everything was fuzzy as far as what it would exactly say to him.

Pulling up towards the house, we both got out. David instantly ran inside, wanting to watch TV while I locked the car and headed inside.

I heard a car pull up behind me and I turned around to see Debbie.

I rolled my eyes, before turning back around and heading inside.

But the sound of her aggressively slamming the car door made me stop and turn around.

What's up with her?

"So? How was your little field trip to Arne? What is this? The fifth time this week you've gone to see him?" She asked, walking up towards me.

What's up her ass today?

"Well he needs somebody and you're not bothering to show up." I said, rolling my eyes.

"That's because he's a murderer! He murdered somebody!" She snapped, throwing her arms up.

"No he's not Debbie! He's possessed! He's cursed!" I yelled.

"Stop lying Eden!" She yelled.

"I'm not lying! We never successfully exorcized the demon out of David! It got into Arne!" I said, throwing my arms up.

"Unbelievable! How can you just stand there and lie to my face!" She asked, rolling her eyes.

What is up with her? Why is she acting like this?!

"Why do you think I'm lying?! Why is it so hard to believe that the exact same thing that happened to David is happening to Arne?! Why would I lie to you? I've never lied before?!" I asked, getting frustrated with her.

"Oh really?! Then tell me." She said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Tell you what Debbie?" I asked, sighing.

"That you like Arne!" She said, making me freeze.

"W-what? I don't know what you're talking about." I said, trying not to stutter.

"Cut the bullshit Eden! I know, okay! I've known for a while now actually!" She said, shaking her head.

"You can't prove anything." I said, trying to act as confident as possible. But I knew I was failing miserably.

"Really? Then tell me how I found a locket with a picture of you and Arne in it, in a blue box under a pile of junk in your drawer. Because I sure as hell know that Arne didn't give you that." She said, raising her eyebrows.

I just stood there gaping at her. I was not expecting for something like this to happen.

"What the fuck Debbie?! You went through my stuff?! Ever heard of privacy?" I asked, raising my voice.

Who does she think she is?! Going through my stuff?

"Oh we're so beyond privacy now! Admit it! You've liked Arne since the day I brought him home for dinner!" She yelled.

"Fine! I like Arne! Is that what you wanted to hear? But I mean, can you blame me?! He's everything a girl looks for in a guy! You should be thankful I never tried to make a move on him!" I began, stepping up towards her.

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